robertwilsonassociates & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 robertwilsonassociates & Mama 2018-04-09T13:58:00-07:00 2018-04-09T14:14:43-07:00 7 Things Mom to Be should Not feel Pressured into Having to Do robertwilsonassociates


Becoming a mom is actually a really busy time in one's life.  As the big day approaches you will have more doctor's visits, more things to organize, a baby shower to think about, remodeling your house, worrying about family and friends coming into town, and figuring out your work situation.  Not to mention you will make plans regarding your pediatrician and insurance.  The cherry on top is the slew of effects that will come with your growing bump, which can include continued sickness, getting slower, becoming heavier, tiredness, and overall uncomfortableness.  

With all this said, do not feel pressured in having to fit in some of the "must do" tasks you might feel obligated to have to do because of what you see in social media, read in checklists, or maybe someone told you what they did and now you think you need to do it also.


1. Maternity Photoshoot

Set up a tripod at the beach or a park and take a few "natural" looking pics while walking towards the camera. Maybe grab a selfie stick and take a laying down pic with your partner with a colorful blanket underneath you.  Recruit a friend to snap a few photos, or grab your DSLR and stop someone to take a few quick pictures in an outdoor setting.  Maybe set the timer on your camera in the perfect spot.  

These are all ideas on how you can get some pregnancy photos without having to spend the time and drop the big bucks for a maternity photoshoot.  Don't feel pressured into it!  Do you really envision yourself posing with a chiffon dress flying behind you and would you frame it? If not, taking some fun and in the moment pics can definitely do the trick.  Go black and white, use Layout app to create a collage if you wish, try the Baby Story app, print them out on Snapfish or another photo service, and voila, sentimental DIY photos. 



2. Creating a Dream Nursery

A baby doesn't know if it's in a nursery filled with lace drapes, fuzzy bunnies, and a lit up marquee sign bearing her name.  All the baby needs is lots of love, to eat, to poop, and a safe place to sleep. 

Don't feel like you need to go all crazy Pinterest style, or hire an interior designer, to get your nursery space decked out for all of Instagram to go gaga about.  The essential needs are what is most important and there's plenty of room for creativity with some rearrangements of your bedroom space and incorporating colors in new room accents or photos.  The thing that should be on your to do list here is making whatever space you have, as organized as possible with storage, and placing away baby things in a way that will make your life as easy as possible.  Concentrate more on a nursing space, or feeding "haven", because that's what you'll be utilizing most when baby is born.

Tip: A changing table is more of a nice thing to have, rather than a complete necessity.  At times you're gonna change the baby where ever (like the floor, the couch, the bed) and not on the changing table.  Get a good changing pad first and foremost and think of the changing table second if you're concerned with money and space. 


3. Moving your Home Completely

There's no need to get up and move. New leases or new mortgages, this is just a ton of work, lots of money, and possible stress you don't need while preggo.  Especially, a little one is just that...little. She's not gonna give you minus points because you are taking her home to your one bedroom apartment.  Plus, a smaller space encourages going outside and enjoying more time on stroller walks and getting fresh air which is beneficial for both baby and parents. 

Now, if it seems necessary for some city dwellers to move because of the space issue, tackle this as early on during your maternity phase because it will get physically harder the later you wait. 

If you can wait, make your way over to the Container Store and get to space making.  Do this by donating clothes you haven't used for over a year, getting rid of stuff in the garage, storing things you don't need, redoing your closet to accommodate the baby's clothes, and get savvy with all the transitioning products that are meant to multifunction and save space, like the Babyletto Gelato 2 in 1 Crib.

Having a transitional crib is a space saver.  Dress up the space with an adorable rug that matches your style, and find a comfy reclining chair for nursing bliss.


4. Having to do Prenatal Yoga

You've heard of it.  You may have some friends telling you how they did it.  You can read about it all over the internet.  Some people do it with goats.

Don't feel like you have to do it too!  While prenatal yoga has tons of benefits, many exercises during pregnancy are equally beneficial.  Simply walking helps reduce chances of preeclampsia, excess weight gain, and boosts energy.  There are other choices of workouts while pregnant, and paying for yoga classes doesn't always have to be one of them.  


5. Childbirth Classes

Okay, knowledge is power and the more you know...well the better.  Is it gonna be the end of the world though if you don't do a childbirth class?  Nope.  Many moms say that once they hit active labor everything they learned and heard in the past went out the door.  Listen, women have been giving birth since forever - infinity -and beyond.  It's a great option and we're not saying not to do it, but if you skip it don't stress out,  you're gonna still be able to do what you need to do.  

Tip: Most childbirth classes cost money, so if you are in a money bind to choose a class to take, choose an Infant CPR class instead.  This is something you will want to know how to do.


6. Eating your Placenta

Placenta encapsulation is a beautiful thing, if done correctly.  Mammals have been consuming their placenta since the beginning of time, aka placentophagy.  Some people go raw with smoothies and other creative recipes.  If you don't have it done right, the process could introduce bacteria and other nasty outcomes from not selecting the utmost caution or most professional service to do this for you.  Eating your placenta may have many benefits like a faster postpartum recovery and better mood as some moms claim, while the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology says these are not scientifically proven or documented.  There are no proven health benefits, so, unless you are determined to drop the cash, take the chance, and have it done perfectly, don't feel like this needs to be on your priority list.  Make a very well balanced diet with lots of milk boosting foods at the top of your to do's when the baby arrives. 


7. Buy a Traditional Diaper Bag

Yes, you need a diaper bag.  No, you don't need a traditional one labeled as "diaper bag".  First off, they are pretty pricey and with the way they look, really scream "Hello everyone, I'm a diaper bag".  With the stylish nursing clothes available, chic strollers, and trendy baby wraps out there that really make mom style go to a whole other level, you may want to up your diaper bag game to match.

Get savvy and find an big tote, backpack, or shoulder bag that has more of your style in mind.  Buy an organizer insert and there ya go, a "diaper bag".  Find something that has a waterproof or easy to clean liner and make sure your insert is full of pockets and fits well in the bag.  This way you look good, feel good, and you still can accomplish carrying around your baby's necessities.  If you are up for a little splurging, there are higher end designer "diaper bags" that have everyday and long lasting use due to their chic colors, plain exterior, and multi functioning design. 

Tip: Reduce your chance of a "packed to the brim" diaper bag by staying organized, packing that diaper bag like a pro, and filling it with only what you need to get through the day.  Like having a wipes holder that holds 20 wipes instead of bringing the entire 100 pack with you.  Pack a dry/wet bag, change of clothes, extra diapers, more wipes, and also all the "extras" for emergency in a separate bag that stays inside the car.  This way your diaper bag isn't one hundred pounds while you are out and about. 


Keep going mama! You're doing great! If you can squeeze these things into your pregnancy experience then totally go for it, but if not, don't think twice about it!  Prioritize and do what you can, little by little, day by day.  You are growing a human so you get a hall pass for taking it easy and in the end, every mom to be journey is different and will require different needs.  Pick and choose what matters the very most for you to accomplish.  Enjoy the path you're on and embrace the moment. 

Be prepared for the big day with our Third Trimester Checklist.

Be aware of what comes with Breastfeeding and get some 101 knowledge.

Shop for Breastfeeding clothing Hoodies, Tee Shirts, and Tanks. 

You're almost there. How to Tell you're in Labor!


]]> 2018-02-27T16:35:00-08:00 2018-02-27T16:44:42-08:00 How To Tell When You're In Labor robertwilsonassociates As the end of your pregnancy nears, you might feel a little anxious about when labor will actually start. Your third-trimester body probably feels unfamiliar, and you're wondering how you'll know if the time has actually arrived. Well, the good news is that labor almost never starts like they show in the movies. It won't sneak up on you, where you're chatting happily one moment, and clutching your belly and groaning the next. Your body has a very orderly system for preparing for birth, and there are signs that will let you know when labor is near. Here's what to look out for.

Pregnant woman wondering signs if you're going into labor

Preparing for Labor

In the weeks before labor starts, your body will begin getting ready. This is one task you don't have to remember; your body is taking care of it. These are some of the shifts in your body that will happen in a few weeks to a few days before labor begins.

  • The baby "drops." When the baby's head settles down into the pelvis, you'll feel a little more room under your ribs. You may even be able to breathe a little easier. The tradeoff is that you now have a baby head in your pelvis, which can feel a little unsteady and heavy. It's possible that this pressure against your cervix helps stimulate labor.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions increase. You've been having these "practice contractions" throughout the whole pregnancy, but you are sure to feel them now. They will feel stronger and longer. Although they'll be attention-getting, they usually aren't painful. Think of it as the muscles of labor tuning up before the big performance.
  • Changes in your cervix. As the due date approaches, your doctor or midwife may perform an internal exam to see if your cervix is ripening. That's right, ripening.  This means it may be softening, thinning, or even dilating. This is usually a good sign that labor is near, although some women walk around a few centimeters dilated for weeks before birth.
  • Pass the mucus plug. As the cervix changes, it will lose the mucus that sealed its opening. This will either come out as a lump of thick mucus or as an increase in vaginal discharge. It may be tinged with blood.
  • Bloody show. As your cervix softens and stretches, small capillaries will rupture. This is especially true after an internal exam or sex. If you pass a little blood, don't worry. It can be brown, pink, or bright red. As long as it's not more than a tablespoon, it's nothing to worry about. 
  • Diarrhea. Charming, right? This is a good sign, though. It means you're getting close. The prostaglandins that help the uterus contract and the cervix to soften can also stimulate the bowels. 

Signs That Labor Is Beginning

After weeks of these unusual symptoms, you may be wondering if the real thing will ever begin. When does active labor start?

Many women experience a surge of energy just before labor begins. You may be suddenly interested in organizing or cleaning. Try not to get involved in any big projects, though, because that energy is a gift to carry you through labor. Here's what to look for.

  • Contractions. These are going to be significantly stronger, longer, and more intense than the Braxton Hicks contractions you've been having. You'll start to feel pain, not just pressure. You will probably feel it in your lower back because a lot of babies begin labor with their faces up, so the back of the head is pressed against mom's spine. If the contractions are regular and don't slow down or stop when you lie down, eat something, and drink some water, congratulations! You seem to be in labor. Let your doctor or midwife know right away, but you probably won't need to go to the hospital just yet. 
  • Water breaks. The amniotic sac may rupture. This is a tricky one, because it might start to leak before contractions begin. Then again, it may never rupture on its own, and your doctor or midwife will need to help it along. But if you feel a trickle or a gush of liquid, it is probably amniotic fluid. Remember, it could just be a trickle.  Be sure to check and see what color it is and if it has an odor. A dark or greenish color or bad odor is a sign that the baby is in distress (meconium could be present and it is very dangerous for baby to inhale it). If you're not sure if what you're seeing is amniotic fluid or just vaginal discharge, go see your doctor or midwife. They can easily test the fluid to be sure. You want to speak to them even if you're not having contractions, because once your water breaks they will want you to deliver before too long, to reduce the risk of infection to the baby and yourself. It's  important if your water breaks to check in with your doctor right away. 
  • Contractions get serious. When the contractions are regular, last longer, and are about 10 minutes apart, you're probably in active labor. At this point, women start to talk less and focus on what's happening in their body more. The pain will increase. If you can't talk through a contraction, that usually means you're in active labor. Time to head to where you're giving birth. 

As you navigate these last few weeks and days of your pregnancy, your body isn't the only thing preparing for birth. Your intuition is tuning up as well. Pay attention to how you're feeling, and if you need to talk to your doctor or midwife about something, don't be shy. Even if it's a false alarm, you're doing what you're supposed to by paying attention. This is your body and your baby. While there are patterns of labor, you are the only person who will give birth exactly like you. Trust your body and speak up if you're worried. Best wishes! What an adventure you're beginning!


You're almost at the finish line, stock up on easy to breastfeed in tanks and hoodies.
Pack your Hospital Bag
Go over your Third Trimester Checklist
Continue to eat Brain Boosting Superfoods for you and Baby


]]> 2017-07-27T12:04:00-07:00 2017-07-28T13:47:32-07:00 Essential Pregnancy Care Tips for Surviving The Third Trimester robertwilsonassociates

Pregnancy Care Tips for Surviving The Third Trimester

Are you far down the line of your pregnancy and just want to push the baby out already? Here are some pregnancy care tips for the third trimester.





Essential Tips for Getting Through your Third Trimester

You're almost there!

After months of morning sickness, swollen feet, and outgrowing all of your regular and maternity clothes, you've finally reached your third trimester. It's almost time to meet your new baby. 

That said, the third trimester is definitely a time when moms-to-be start feeling some pregnancy burnout. The end is still just far enough out of reach to make it feel like your pregnancy will never be over. 

No need to fear, though. We're here to provide you our pregnancy care tips. 

With the help of this third trimester guide, you'll cruise through your final weeks till the big day in no time!

Read our tips below, and pin our list here for a mom to be!

Essential Pregnancy Tips for Surviving the Third Trimester


Prepare for changes to your body 

Each phase of pregnancy brings additional changes and challenges. Knowing what to expect from the third trimester will help you know whether your preggo symptoms are normal, or cause for concern. 

Many of the most common mom-to-be symptoms you'll experience in the third trimester are caused by your uterus expanding. These include back pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

Other symptoms, like heartburn, are the result of hormonal changes in your body.  Some say it means your baby will be born with lots of hair on it's head! 

Additionally, while vaginal discharge during the third trimester is normal, bleeding or spotting may be a cause for concern. If you begin to experience vaginal bleeding, you should contact your doctor right away. 

If you ever experience itching skin and itchiness all over your body in a way that is very uncomfortable you should also check with your doctor immediately, and we mean today.   

So listen to your body...if you need to rest, then rest.  If you feel good to get out, then get outside.  If you feel really awful in an unusual way, then reach out to your physician. 

Some simple ways to combat these changes are walking, cleaning the diet to alleviate heartburn, and prenatal yoga to help with back pain and overall elevating your mood. Also, if you don't have one already, get a body pillow right away to help you with a more comfortable sleep position. 

Have realistic expectations

In addition to preparing for difficult symptoms, another key to surviving this time is having realistic expectations. 

You've probably heard since you were a child that "pregnancy lasts nine months". In reality, however, most full-term pregnancies last closer to ten months because, pregnancy is 40 weeks. 

Since the third trimester begins in the 28th week of pregnancy, this means that this phase can last anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks.  Some moms may be surprised when it seems like this home stretch is feeling longer by the day. 

Try your best to lower any anxiety and anxiousness with going with the flow, day by day, while in waiting for your new love bug to arrive.  No need to stare at the calendar and feel any disappointment if your due date has come and no baby yet.  It's said via many statistics, that only 5% of babies are born on the due date.  

So now you know to count by weeks (not months), and once it has become past your due date, continue to keep emotions at bay by having your doctor check everything out.  He/she will most likely be more vigilant in monitoring the baby.  

Stay active

As you may be feeling more uncomfortable, it's natural to want to just sit with your feet up in front your TV. 

Regular exercise, however, is one of the best pregnancy care tips for the final trimester.  

Staying active will manage nausea and heart burn by helping you digest. It will also help you to sleep better at night, and will even help prepare your body for labor. 

There are plenty of great exercises you can do in your third trimester. Swimming is a particularly good choice for pregnant women because it doesn't require balance and it also cools your body, yay!  Walking is a big favorite as well.  Walking in a park, oceanside, lake side, or a flat hike will perk up your spirits, lift your endorphins, and keep your pregnancy healthy by balancing hormones and energizing your body. 

Additionally, when you work out, remember to stay hydrated. Proper water intake is essential to maintaining good circulation and blood supply to your baby.  Drink coconut water if you feel you need to switch it up.

It can be tough to get outside and moving, so even if you have to park in the furthest spot of the parking lot, or make five laps walking through the mall, that counts too!  Once you do it, you'll be thanking yourself. 

Maintain a good diet

Towards the end of your pregnancy, you've likely started experiencing cravings if you haven't already.  Pickles, ice cream, chips, chilies, and you name it!

You might feel like curling up with a pint of Ben & Jerry's is the key to surviving the third trimester.  In the end, however, making a habit out this could do more harm than good. 

There's nothing wrong with treating yourself every so often. That said, following a healthy, clean diet is one of the most important pregnancy care tips.  It is also a way to keep your weight steady instead of filling up on fatty foods that cause spikes in blood pressure, sugar, and triglycerides.  

For one, a healthy diet is important for your baby.  He/she is going at an insane speed evolving in your belly. So make sure you are eating brain boosting foods that will deliver the most nutrients to your baby.  Also, eating well will help reduce symptoms for yourself like heartburn, being bloated, constipation, and feeling inflamed. 

If you find yourself experiencing a lot of heart burn, try eating several smaller meals throughout the day. This will be easier for your body to digest than a few big ones. Stick to whole, nutrient dense foods, and especially reduce refined sugars and carbs.  Stay away from acidic foods.  Those are the culprits that make your body tissues have inflammation. Plus they do not have much nutritional value.  


Finalize your birth plan

In addition to taking care of your body, additional pregnancy care tips for the third trimester include preparing for it to be over. 

The last thing you want to deal with, when you go into labor, is to start packing a hospital bag and figuring out where the hospital is. To avoid this situation, start putting a checklist and birth plan together. 

Getting a birth plan together early on will help you investigate all of the options you have. It also frees you from having to make decisions about pain medicine, or who to have in the room while you're actually in labor.

That said, your birth plan should also include factors that will ensure your comfort. These may be some items that go into your overnight hospital bag.  What nursing clothes do you want to be taken to the hospital? What music will you want access to? Do you have chargers and cameras ready to go?  Are all your toiletries ready to go?  Did you pack disposable underwear and pads?  You will be needing them. 

These kinds of small details, already prepared ahead of time, can help make your labor process more comfortable for you.

Get your house in order

You'll have your hands full after the delivery. Bonding with the baby, adjusting to its schedule, and getting whatever sleep you can will monopolize your time.

For these reasons, you want to make sure that your home is ready before you bring the baby home. Take this "nesting" phase to prep what you can within the household to ensure a more relaxed space.   

That said, "ready" means different things for different parents. 

Some parents like to get the every detail in the nursery prepared. This is great if this is your style. But don't feel like you need to do all of this in order to be ready for the baby. 

In reality, babies don't need a whole lot. To start, a bassinet, diapers, and some basic baby clothes will probably do the trick.  

Things like laundry, dishes, and overfilled closets may be agreed that these are more of a priority.  Having a space cleared and ready for nursing, if you plan to do so, may also be a very important element for when you arrive home.  Having your breast pump ordered and ready, baby clothes pre washed, the bassinet positioned properly, and a diaper genie ready to go may be a few things that are a must for you so you feel less stressed after giving birth. 

The best pregnancy care tips for surviving the third trimester involve doing what's right for you. So, if you need to get everything in order to be ready for the baby, then do that. If that's not your style, then make a list of your top 3-5 main priorities and handle those first. 

Follow the right pregnancy care tips 

Rather than simply focusing on getting through to the end of your pregnancy in an obligatory way, make sure you're enjoying the moments and also taking the time to take care of yourself. Once the baby comes, you'll have far less time for this. 

So remember to take the time to cut yourself a break. Self care during pregnancy is a real thing and you should be doing some things that make you feel good. 

Put your feet up. Take a bath. Say "no" to things. Say "no" to people if you have to. 

You may even want to treat yourself to some pampering. A prenatal massage or a spa day can be a great way to help you relax at this stage of your pregnancy. Maybe a bath at home with music will do it for you.  Babies can hear the music too so this could be the perfect special moment. 

Treating yourself well is essential to being a mother. You won't be able to care for your baby if you're not taking care of yourself. 


We hope that following this basic third trimester checklist will start to make things a bit easier. Remember, it isn't easy, but it will be worth it.

Keep going mama!  You're doing great!  

Check out our nursing clothes for packing your hospital bag.

Read our 5 Tips to Prepare you for Being a First Time Mom.


]]> 2017-05-16T12:54:00-07:00 2017-06-08T20:17:53-07:00 Prepare For Your Bundle of Joy With Our Third Trimester Checklist robertwilsonassociates

Get Ready For Baby With Our Third Trimester Checklist

Now that you're in your third trimester, you're almost there. Use our third trimester checklist to make sure you're ready for your baby.



Prepare for your Bundle of Joy with our Third Trimester Checklist 

You've made it - The third trimester is here, and while you're more uncomfortable and exhausted, you can also see the end in sight (even though you can't see your toes haha)

As you reach the end of your pregnancy, there probably isn't much on your mind beyond meeting your little one for the first time. 

Evens so, you might wake up one morning with an unrelenting desire to do something. Clean, organize, bake. No matter what it is, your body wants to get ready. 

This is called nesting, and it's an instinct most women experience in the weeks leading up to delivery (if you never experience it, don't worry. Plenty of women don't).

This instinct can be overwhelming though. What are you even supposed to do these last few weeks?

Use our third trimester checklist to put that nesting urge to good use in these last few weeks. 

Diaper Prep

Chances are, you've already decided how you're going to diaper your baby. If you haven't, now is the time to make that choice. Cloth, Disposable, or a mix of the two.  Maybe you want to skip diapers and do (EC) elimination communication

There are tons of choices, and there are lots of ways to fit your budget and lifestyle. 

No matter what you choose, though, now is the time to make sure everything is in order. 

If you are using disposables, make sure you have packs of newborn and size 1 diapers ready. Some babies fit fine in newborns for a few weeks, while others skip them and go straight to size 1. 

Disposable pro-tip: Resist the urge to open any packs of diapers before you actually bring your baby home. 

The hospital will give you diapers to bring home with you, and you can return unused packs for store credit if it turns out your baby doesn't need the smallest sizes. 

If you're using cloth, now is the time to finish your stash and prep your diapers. Remember that natural fiber diapers sometimes need to be washed 8-10 times before they are ready to go on a baby bum, so give yourself some time.  

Make sure you have your wet bags and washing routine figured out and prepped now so that all that fluff is ready for your baby's bum when you bring them home. 

Hospital Bag

Nothing seems to give new mamas more stress than the hospital bag. 

Truth be told, it isn't as big a consideration as many first-time moms think, and there is no need to bring your entire nursery with you. 

A good option for your hospital bag is whatever diaper bag you will be using. 

A good third trimester checklist for your hospital bag:

Some Comfy Nursing Wear

You'll be spending a lot of time in bed while you're at the hospital, and while wearing the hospital issued gown for the duration is an option, it isn't the most comfortable.

Wearing your own clothing will help you feel more like yourself, especially when people start coming to visit.  Find some nursing tanks and tees that you will want one or two of to bring with you.  Styles that not only work for feeding, but postpartum everyday wear, and even well beyond are great investments especially if you plan to nurse a lot or do pumping when you return to work.

A few onesies

New babies pretty much all look like potatoes, and while hospitals have great security systems, it's nice to have something that differentiates your baby from all the others on the maternity floor. 

Pack a few onesies or sleepers to dress your baby in while you stay at the hospital. 

Going home outfits for you and baby

This is a given. Keep in mind that you will probably still need some of the same clothes you were wearing, so pack an outfit you might have worn in early second tri. Stock up on functional, transitionary tops that work for nursing and while you are in the postpartum stages such as the robertwilsonassociates low neck swing tank or Relaxed Daily Nursing Hoodie

Your own toiletries and pillow

You'll want to take a shower, so bring your own products. 

Also, the hospital provides pillows, but they aren't exactly the picture of comfort, so having your own might help you stay comfy. 

There are more things like paperwork, camera, money, disposable pads/undies, etc. etc. that you will need so Read more on how to Pack your Hospital Bag like a Pro.

Choose a pediatrician

Most hospitals don't like you to leave the hospital without a pediatrician ready. 

Take the time to start researching and choosing a pediatrician in these last few weeks. 

Make sure their philosophy on child health matches yours and that you agree on things like vaccinations, medication, behavior, and discipline. 

Look into childcare options

While you're checking out pediatricians, start looking into who your support system will be, especially if you will be returning to work. 

Not everyone has help or family nearby, but having an idea of a few occasional options may save you some hassle in the long run.  You will be surprised how many people would love to help out, even if it means hanging out at your home while you take a few hours to take a nice bath and do something good for yourself.

If you are thinking about childcare, know that many quality childcare centers are on a wait, so make sure you get in early. 

Design your Nursing Haven

Yes, if you plan to breastfeed or pump you will find much success designing a space in your home with a few essentials. Water bottle handy (you must stay hydrated while breastfeeding), a comfy rocking chair, a blanket and nursing pillow, a few burp clothes, and a book or music nearby will really elevate your nursing experience.  

Add more needs as you think of them that will create this area as a peaceful and relaxing designated spot for feeding.  Dad can even use this area for cuddles, bottle feedings, and skin to skin time with his child.  

When mommy is happy then baby is happy too, and that will make for a successful bonding relationship for you and your new baby. 

Take a class

If you haven't taken a childbirth class, now is the time. 

You can also use this time to learn more about breastfeeding or babywearing. Check into what your local offerings are. 

These classes can also be an awesome time to meet other moms in your area. Start building your mom tribe now. 

In Los Angeles, The Pump Station & Nurtury offers tons of lactation expertise and classes.

Pre-register at the Hospital

The last thing you want to do while you're in labor is sign forms and fill out paperwork. 

See if your hospital offers a pre-registration option. This may come with a third trimester checklist for your health from your providers, and often this will come with a hospital tour as well so you can see the maternity facilities. 

If you have a birth plan, you will also want this ready and discussed with your doctor as necessary.

Laundry Time

Wash baby's clothing before he or she arrives.  We recommend more garments with less frills, glitters, and dyes as baby's skin is extra sensitive to rough textures or chemicals.  Just like the cloth diapers, you may want to wash your soon be bundle of joy's clothing in advance and more than once as needed.

While you are doing laundry, pump up the jams on your sound system and do a good sweep of the house by throwing away and donating unused items and clutter that you haven't used in years. Have the carpet cleaned, or do a through dusting to rid allergens and cobwebs that may have been missed.  Coming home to a clean home will be relaxing and starts your baby off in a calm, clutter free environment.

Do some meal prep

Some moms have the luxury of a village that will bring them home-cooked meals in the weeks after their baby is born. 

If you don't, or if meals from other people's kitchens just aren't your thing, take a weekend to put together some freezer meals

Soups, casseroles, and pasta sauce all freeze great and will keep your family fed while you are recovering and bonding with your new baby. 

If you have grocery delivery such as Amazon Prime Now, Instacart, or DoorDash in your area...take advantage of it.  It's a total lifesaver and timesaver, especially if you are city mom where there are lots of stairs, less parking, and traffic. Skip it all with a press of a button.


Make the Best Use of Our Third Trimester Checklist

As you go through the last few weeks, remember that the most important thing is to understand that there is no pressure here. 

Do the things on the third trimester checklist if you like, or leave them to later. Read the entire "like a boss" list of our Third Trimester Checklist here.

Use this last trimester to reconnect with yourself and your partner, and get ready for your life to change in the next few weeks. 

If you can make it happen, take some time for you and your partner. Get a massage, go on a babymoon, or just take a weekend to breathe and do nothing. Self care IS VERY essential to be balanced.  Read our tips of self care before baby arrives here.

Life is about to get crazy, and taking some time to relax will help put you in the right frame of mind to welcome a new life. 

Keep going mama! You are doing amazing!

SHOP tops for maternity, nursing, and beyond.

Read tips on Breastfeeding in the First Few Days.

Find the Three Ways Maternity to Nursing Wrap here.

Start Eating 8 Brain Foods Now for your Baby's Developmental Health.


]]> 2017-02-08T09:55:00-08:00 2017-02-08T10:45:37-08:00 Stretch Mark Strategy: 4 DIY Belly n' Boobie Butter Recipes robertwilsonassociates


Stretch Mark Strategy and Prevention: 4 DIY Belly n' Boobie Butter Recipes

If you've given birth two or three times, chances are you know all about stretch marks -- those small red badges of honor that adorn many women's bodies during pregnancy and/or after giving birth. With that said, you are beautiful, and stretch marks are truly a sign of how bad a** you are and how amazing the female body is! However, if there are ways to keep your skin supple and hydrated you may want to keep reading.

Now, according to the science experts, stretch marks are the result of skin tearing from being pulled more tightly than it's able to stretch in a given time. You know how rubber bands lose their stretch when they've been around for a while? It's a bit similar with your skin. It loses elasticity as it ages. That's because the protein that gives your skin its' elasticity -- collagen -- starts to decline. Your skin produces less and less of it as you age.

The loss of collagen is what causes the skin to wrinkle, and it also increases the chances of getting stretch marks due to rapid weight gain or loss, which is exactly what happens during pregnancy.  Also, if your mom had stretch marks, you may just have it in your DNA to also get stretch marks.

Since our culture is one that worships youth and fights aging and other "flaws" tooth and nail in a valiant effort to hang on to it, something like stretch marks may be something you will want to help with if you can.  It's funny that we admire age in things such as vintage clothing or old copper pots with their greenish patina, but we eschew it in ourselves! Yet, of course, as with anything, age will eventually win the war, but we continue to try to win some of the battles along the way, nonetheless! Here's what to do...

Plan Your Strategy

The beginning of your pregnancy journey is a good time to start applying a quality body butter to areas that are prone to develop stretch marks, such as the tummy, hips, thighs and yes, your breasts, which often begin to grow fuller during pregnancy and throughout the time you continue to nurse your child.

You can go out and spend some serious cash in your quest for the perfect stretch mark preventative, or you can roll up your sleeves and come up with some homemade DIY "belly" and "boobie butters" to start using right away and continue using throughout your nursing months. These will keep your skin ultra-hydrated, which is one of the keys to both preventing and smoothing out stretch marks.

We highly recommend quality over quantity, as always. So invest in a few quality oils and products while concocting your stretch mark diy belly and boobie butter. We choose oils because oil is a top moisturizer in comparison to lotion that is filled with other ingredients.  

Concentrated and quality ingredients will be more absorbent with a molecular structure that can actually hydrate and moisturize your skin rather than being just a thick paste that does nothing and only temporarily feels good.  Don't be fooled by body "butter" in a store that looks really thick and just smells good.  Go for these recipes instead...


DIY Recipes for Belly and Boobie Butter to Help Avoid Stretch Marks


The Recipes

Here are 4 DIY Belly and Boobie Recipes that we love -


1. Coconut Oil Shea Butter Cream

This is an ultra-nourishing body butter that's guaranteed to infuse your skin with moisture:

Blend in a small bowl and have something you will use to store it in old skin cream jar works well - half coconut oil and half 100% shea butter.  You can get 100% shea butter from a health food store.

Add 1 tablespoon of avocado oil plus a few drops of Vitamin E oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil as an aromatic plus.  

Whip it all together with a fork or tiny whisk. If you need to melt it a bit do so by running your fork or mixing tool under very hot water, dry it, then continue to whip your butter. Repeat that if you need to smooth out the mixture even more.

Store in an airtight container. Regularly massage on affected areas. Like everyday....when you wake up and before bed.

  • Use Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
  • Use 100% Shea Butter. Read the ingredients or ask the store attendant to ensure it is pure quality shea butter.
  • Use real essential oil. These are true highly concentrated oils and a little goes a long way.


2. Cocoa Butter and Jojoba Oil Cream

Put about 1/4 oz. beeswax and 1/4 oz. cocoa butter in a double boiler pot or thick bottomed pot. Add 1-3/4 ounces of coconut oil and 1 1/2 oz. of Evening Primrose oil to the mix and melt over low heat.

When the mixture becomes warm, remove from heat and add a scant drop of lavender essential oil and 1/2 oz. jojoba oil.

Whip it continuously for several minutes until the mixture becomes well whipped and semi fluffy. Store in an airtight container and use daily.

Jojoba oil is light yet an effective moisturizer known for being similar in composition to the oil that is secreted by our own body making it ultra absorbent and super hydrating.

Again, grab these ingredients at your local health food store and use this daily. Day and Night.


3. Ultimate Rich Frankincense Body Butter and Hyaluronic Acid Primer

This recipe is a little pricier than the preceding ones since one of its key ingredients is Frankincense essential oil, which you should go for a very high quality one. It claims to work effectively to help prevent stretch marks and keep your skin supple.

Mix drops each of the following 3 essential oils in four tablespoons of coconut oil OR 100% Shea Butter:

  • lavender - 5 drops
  • frankincense - 10-15 drops
  • sandalwood - 5 drops

Add 1 teaspoon of Almond oil and blend well. Store in a glass jar and use regularly. (Bonus: You'll smell fabulous while you're treating your stretch marks!)

Now you need to get Hyaluronic Acid and use this first as your primer. Go to your natural food store to buy it.  Then, use the body butter mixture. Do this daily. Day and Night.

Hyaluronic acid isn't harsh or skin-stripping at all. In fact, it's the exact opposite – a powerful humectant (aka moisture-binding ingredient) that keeps skin plump and hydrated and, yes, young-looking. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide (carbohydrate) in the human body. SOURCE:


4. Exfoliating and Nourishing Rosehip Oil Duo

This is a two step process of combining exfoliating and sloughing off dead skin cells to help with skin regeneration and cell turnover, and highly nourishing the skin afterwards.

In the shower scrub the skin gently with a sugar scrub and gentle hand mitt. Brown sugar is best.  We love the Brown Sugar Scrub from Fresh, but your local natural food store should have many choices, or make one at home using brown sugar and a tad of olive oil.  Sugar is known to be a humectant allowing a great sloughing of dead skin. It's much better than a salt scrub for sensitive skin. 

Afterwards, to clean skin, apply glycolic acid to affected areas. Glycolic is a fruit acid and dermatologists consider this safe while pregnant. This is much more gentle for sensitive skin than other acids such as salicylic on the market (we do not recommend salicylic). The glycolic will help refine the pores and smooth the skin. 

Lastly, moisturize.  Use a buttery mix of Argan Oil, Rosehip Oil, and Shea Butter.  Take a spoonful of Shea Butter and generously - really go for it - mix in the two oils to create a light cream that is rich in the oils. Apply day and night.

Rosehip Oil is known to uberly drench the skin with nourishing fatty acids that help with skin regeneration and its' reparative qualities are great for helping the appearance of stretch marks.


What to Expect

No cream can guarantee results, whether you spend $10 or $100. So prevention is much more value to you and spending the time and investment now then worrying about it later.  

Also keep in mind that your skin has great regenerative powers and regular, consistent use should show some improvement if you already have stretch marks, even if it doesn't completely eliminate all of them.

If you have questions, as always ask your physician and do skin tests to make sure you can safely use these ingredients on your skin.


Diet Lifestyle Changes Can Help

As we noted earlier, it can be both weight gain and a loss of collagen that promotes stretch marks. But you may be able to encourage your body to produce more collagen through foods that are rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Including the following foods regularly in your diet can help ...

  • lean proteins such as salmon, tuna, tofu, egg whites, peanuts, chicken, turkey, lentils and beans
  • vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, carrots, garlic, red peppers, beets and green beans
  • fruits including cherries, berries of every variety, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit and avocados
  • it's a great help to choose one day a week to be vegetarian or gluten free. This allows your system to have a break. Go for more days if you can do it.

This is a two in one deal of awesomeness since staying healthy with clean foods and eliminating processed foods will allow your body to not have as much added weight to the gain you will already have while being pregnant.  

Another important preventive and curative measure is to be sure you're giving your body the water it needs. Doctors recommend drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. If you have a hard time keeping track, fill a 2-liter bottle and try to drink all of it throughout the course of the day. Hydrating is highly significant in keeping wrinkles at bay and that means less stretch marks!

Finally, stay away from sugar as much as you can. Collagen is a protein, and excess sugar in your blood will attach to the protein in your body and damage it. Eating less sugar is not only good for your skin, but also your teeth and your waistline!

We know this isn't the miracle cure all for everyone since preggo bellies and breastfeeding boobies have a mind of their own, yet for a majority of you it will be a great help. 

Try these strategies both at the beginning of your pregnancy and for as long as you need to postpartum to both prevent and treat stretch marks and simply as an act of self-pampering, which is something every new mom can use!! 

Keep going mama! Consistency yields results! You can do it!

Show off your skin and SHOP colorful and comfortable nursing tank tops and soft hoodies here.
Handle it like a Boss and Get your 3rd Trimester Checklist Ready

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]]> 2017-01-23T11:30:00-08:00 2017-01-23T11:30:00-08:00 Moms To Be, Are You Eating Brain Building Foods for your Baby? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating. robertwilsonassociates Moms To Be, Are You Getting the Proper Nutrition You Need? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating



Brain Building Foods you Should be Eating for Baby while Pregnant

Moms to be, are you getting the proper nutrition you need? Nutrition while pregnant is extremely important, both for you and your baby. The brain of a fetus begins to form just three weeks after conception.

Knowing what food to eat and what sort of diet to adhere to can be difficult considering how many nutritional aspects there are. While it requires a little planning ahead, there are some foods that should definitely be incorporated into your diet for the health of both you and your baby and proper brain development.

Moms To Be, Are You Eating Brain Building Foods for your Baby? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating.

1) Dried beans and lentils

Usually, dried beans and lentils are not on the forefront of our mind's when thinking about food, but beans and lentils are jam packed with nutrients. During pregnancy, women need at least 10 extra grams of protein, and beans and lentils are perfect for this requirement since each cup has about 15 grams. They are also high in fiber content, which is great for combatting various digestive issues. 

Looking for ways to incorporate them in your diet? Beans and lentils go great with rice, or as a side for chicken dishes.  Making fresh vege or chicken chili (not from a can) in a crock pot is an easy way to incorporate beans in a healthy way.

2) Wild Caught Salmon

Fish is a brain builder!  This is super important to incorporate into your diet to give baby the best brain building nutrients.  

Wild caught salmon is a great meat to add to your food regimen while pregnant - you can safely eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish per week during pregnancy, and salmon is a wonderful source of nutrients for both you and your baby. Omega-3 fatty acids have known to be good for your baby's brain and eyes, and it is also a great source for protein and B vitamins.

Luckily, salmon is very easy to cook and there are some delicious recipes you can try to add more of this protein filled fish to your diet. Even a simple pan seared, skin on salmon filet with a side of broccoli raab and rice or cous cous makes for a balanced and delicious meal.  Remember to do at least 80% on the skin side till crisp and flip to finish to well done.

3) Bananas

This is the easiest snack ever.  Really.  Bananas are also a great fruit to incorporate into your daily routine, especially in breakfast. Bananas are full of potassium, and therefore are great to fight off pregnancy induced fatigue. Bananas are a good way to kick start the day, and can also be eaten to fight off nausea. Plus, they are pretty simple to add to the everyday breakfast things for an extra kick - add banana slices to gluten free granola, oatmeal, or in yogurt. Or better yet, smoothies with bananas are a good way to get nutrients without sacrificing taste. Here are some smoothie recipes to try out for breakfast this week.

Make this crazy gooood Vegan Ice Cream:

  • Chopped frozen bananas
  • A Cusinart food processor
  • Blend till creamy smooth and add in fresh strawberries or other flavorings to create the "ice cream" flavor however you like.  You'll be surprised how simple and delicious this is and the flavor is not overwhelmingly banana.  Eat immediately or freeze for a later treat. 100% Guilt free ladies!


4) Low-fat Greek Yogurt

Looking for ways to combine items on this list when adding to your diet? Consider eating low-fat greek yogurt during this time (perhaps with some bananas added) Greek yogurt tastes rich and satisfying!  It's also is packed with calcium, and has a higher calcium content than milk. High in protein, greek yogurt lacks added sugar making it a healthy breakfast item. In addition, iodine is important for brain development and greek yogurt adds 50 to 100mng per serving.  

Add bananas and/or berries and different fruits to jazz it up as a fun breakfast item. You could also add whole grain granola or cereal for a fortifying meal.

Our favorite is:

  • granola like Nature's Harvest 
  • greek yogurt, fat free or 2%
  • a swirl of pasturized honey
  • topped with blueberries and walnuts or brazil nuts (more brain boosting health foods)

5) Chives

Believe it or not, these tiny little green onions that we commonly use as a garnish are actually a great food. An average serving size is 2 tablespoons chopped, and contain folate, iron, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, magnesium and a host of other nutrients. Magnesium can help alleviate symptoms of constipation, while folate, vitamin C and iron are all integral nutrients for pregnant women.

The best way to incorporate chives into your diet is to sprinkle them on top of soups and salads, on top of baked potatoes, mixed with spreads or added to dips and hummus.

Try this spin on an insanely good Tzatziki dip that incorporates chives:

  • 1 container (32oz) 2% fat Greek Yogurt
  • Organic cucumber. Remove skin, take out seeds with spoon. Mince.
  • touch of finely minced garlic (one clove)
  • sprinkle of red wine vinegar (2 tsp)
  • dash of Himalayan pink sea salt
  • sprinkle of lemon juice (2 tsp)
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped finely dill
  • Mix, Chill, and serve with fresh chopped chives sprinkled on top.  Swirl cold pressed olive oil on top as well to finish it off.

This is so easy to make and it's always a hit at the dinner table.  Adjust the ingredients to suit your taste.

 6) Pumpkin seeds

Looking for a tasty snack without having to sacrifice nutrition? Pumpkin seeds may be the food you are searching for. A half cup of pumpkin seeds can provide much-needed protein for your body as well as containing a host of other minerals needed for muscle health and hydration. 1 cup can provide close to half of your daily needs for nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. 

While both raw and roasted pumpkin seeds are great, roasted have more protein and minerals then raw ones. Hit up your local natural food store and you'll have no problem finding some.  Remember the greek yogurt we talked about...try pumpkin seeds with your granola, greek yogurt, and top with pumpkin seeds.

7) Sweet potatoes

Beta-carotene is essential for healthy brain formation of your baby.  Sweet potatoes are also another food that is chock full of nutrients and easy to add in daily food intake. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a plant compound that our bodies turn into vitamin A. The latter is essential for growth, and for healthy fetal development. Sweet potatoes, when cooked can fulfill the daily vitamin A requirement, and are also another source of fiber.

There are plenty of ways to cook sweet potatoes, but slicing them in half and baking them covered in foil is a pretty hassle free way to prepare them. It is easy to be creative if you have more time (mashed sweet potato or try diced sweet potatoes with rosemary and olive oil) and use sweet potatoes as a way to break up the monotony of weekday food.

8) Avocados

Easily one of the more popular fruits this last year, avocados are a fantastic source of much needed vitamins while also being delicious. They contain high amounts of fiber, B-vitamins (including folate), vitamin K, E and C as well as potassium and copper. They also have high amounts of mono-saturated fatty acids, which is a healthy fat the body needs. These healthy fats are great for fetus growth and development and the folate content is also extremely important for pregnant women's daily intake.

Looking for fun ways to use avocados?  Go for avocado toast.  Take your favorite toast and spread avocado all over it.  Top with other favorites like arugula, shaved fennel, olive oil, radish, and even an egg cooked however you like it makes this such a satisfying treat for anytime of the day.


These are just some of the foods you should think about incorporating into your diet for both yours and your baby's health. It can definitely be difficult to add in so many different items into your daily intake, but with some planning and foresight, it can definitely be done.

Check out our blog to find more recipes like this Lactation Blueberry Muffin Recipe and other great info for mom and mom to be.
Shop stylish and functional breastfeeding tops here.
]]> 2017-01-18T07:30:00-08:00 2017-01-18T07:30:00-08:00 Do you Self Care? 20 Things You Should Do Before Baby is Due robertwilsonassociates 20 Things You Must Do Before Baby is Due



Twenty Self Care Things you Need to Do Before Baby is Due

Going into motherhood with a to-do list is far from relaxing. Who can properly snuggle and bond with baby, knowing that there's a mountain of chores waiting to be done? For this reason, it is ideal that all new mamas attempt to knock out to-do lists before the little one arrives.

While the list of things to get done before your little mini-me's arrival will likely have plenty of actual chores on it, you definitely shouldn't forget to add in the fun stuff. Self care should be a chore too!  It's important for this balance of mind, soul, and body to stay happy and feeling active. After all, how long after baby arrives will you have to wait before you can go out with friends again? This is one of those things that should most certainly make it onto your list. 

Not sure what else to add? Not to worry! We've made a list of 20 things you must do before baby is due. Do your best to get through it before you go into labor, and you'll be starting off motherhood with a fresh slate. 

How to Self Care during Pregnancy and Twenty Things you Must Do before Baby Arrives

#1: Go on a "Babymoon"

If this is your first baby, it's important to recognize the fact that these weeks before baby arrives are the last you and your partner will have as just a couple. As soon as your little one makes their appearance, you will be a family unit, and from then on that little guy or girl will be around all the time. 

Take advantage of your last few weeks by going on a "babymoon"—that is, a little vacation with your partner in order to reconnect and recharge before baby comes.  

It can be an exotic getaway or as simple as a day trip to a new place to explore.  You will love this time spent apart from your normal everyday.

#2: Pack a Hospital Bag

Obviously, you'll want certain things on hand when you're spending a night or two in the hospital. Be sure to pack your hospital bag with plenty of time to spare! Read more on how to pack your hospital bag like a pro here.

#3: Buy Breastfeeding Supplies and Create your Station

Babies have to eat. Fortunately, you have all of the important things needed to feed your little one. That said, there are some things that do make the process a lot easier. These include easy to nurse in tee shirts and hoodies, nursing bras or bandeaus, pillows, burp towels, water bottle, nipple cream, breast pads, and if needed, a high quality breast pump.  

Create your nursing station in your home that includes some of these essentials and other comfy cozy necessities so you have a peaceful, quaint, designated place to start the journey of feeding your baby.

#4: Get a Manicure

Let's face it, "me time" goes out the window when you're caring for a newborn. Therefore, it's important to get in some pampering while you still can. Head to the beauty shop for a manicure, a pedicure, or a new hairstyle to treat yourself. Many modern nail salons offer organic nail polish and organic nail services. Bring your own non toxic mommy approved polish if your salon doesn't offer these options.

#5: Do Some Yoga

Speaking of "me time", another great way to relax and recharge is doing a bit of pre natal yoga in the mornings. As an added benefit, yoga can help baby move into the right position, plus keep you limber and in shape for the delivery of your son or daughter. Ask your doctor what's right for you when implementing exercise.

#6: Stock Up on Diapers

Will you go disposable or cloth? Diapers are another crucial item to have on hand when a baby is in the picture. Be sure to stock up, and buy more than you think you'll need. 

If you plan to practice elimination communication in hopes of being diaper free, read up and get the needed tools to begin practicing EC here.

#7: Eat at a Nice Restaurant

There are some restaurants that aren't exactly kid-friendly, or a little fancy that you would love to just share with your partner. Because of this, it'll likely be quite some time before you get to enjoy the food, service, and attention at a fine dining establishment after the birth of your child. Make sure to go now while you still can.

#8: Install a Car Seat

Baby is going to need to ride home, and you are going to want that ride to be as safe as possible. Install your child's car seat as soon as possible in order to ensure you are well-prepared. This is a must.

#9: Wash Baby Clothes

All of those tiny onesies and little-bitty socks have to be washed before you can put them on baby's sensitive skin. Make sure they get thrown in the washer before it's time for baby to arrive.

#10: Learn to Baby Wear

Wearing your baby is an incredible thing. It gives you the ability to snuggle your child while still getting things done with your hands.

Learn how to baby wear before yours actually arrives. This will definitely be helpful in the weeks to come. Find out about babywearing and breastfeeding here.

Take this opportunity before baby arrives to shop and find your favorite colored babywearing wraps. 

#11: Go Out with the Girls

It's no secret that keeping up with friends becomes a bit more difficult in the first few weeks of baby's life. Since you may not be able to go out quite as often after giving birth, use this time beforehand to go out with your girlfriends a few times. 

#12: Hire a Housecleaner and start using Grocery Delivery

Coming home to a clean house after having a baby is priceless. Unfortunately, sometimes you just aren't in the mood for a deep-cleaning session. Instead of forcing yourself to do the dirty work, hire a cleaner to come in and do it for you. This is one splurge you definitely won't regret. 

Sign up for grocery delivery like PrimeNow, Amazon Fresh, or Instacart so when baby comes and you are busy (as always), you won't have to leave the house. Groceries can even get cooked premade meals!

If you aren't ready for the housekeeper or grocery delivery be sure to stock up your pantry and tackle house chores one by one each day.

#13: Read a Book or Watch your Favorite Movie

While you will probably do a lot of sitting during the first month or two after your baby comes into the world, you will probably be too focused on learning to nurse to actually read a book or pay attention to a good movie. If there is a book you've been dying to read or a Netflix show you've been trying to catch up on, make sure to do it now.

#14: Have a Cooking Party

A freezer full of premade meals will be a wonderful postpartum gift to yourself. In order to make the cooking process more fun, consider having a cooking party with a few friends. 

#15: Go to a Concert or Play

Treat yourself to a live show. This is a good way to relax or let loose, hang out with a friend or your partner, and take your mind off the huge life change coming your way. Just make sure the venue you choose has comfy seats and an easily accessible restroom. 

#16: Catch Up on Sleep

We've all heard the advice, “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” Unfortunately, baby doesn't always do much sleeping, or at least not at convenient times. Now is your chance to sleep, so get as much as you can. Cherish it. Love it. Live it as much as you can.

#17: Purge Excess Stuff

An organized home is much easier to keep clean. Since you will have your plate full caring for an infant, it's a good idea to make your housecleaning chores as simple as possible.

This can be done with a good purging and reorganization of your home. Donate clothes and items you have not worn for months or years. Get rid of the old...and come into the new.  

#18: Go to the Beach or the Mountains

Going outdoors with your baby is not so difficult, but wanting to visit your favorite beach or mountain spot may not be as accessible once baby arrives.  Pack a small bag, get your walking shoes or sandals on, and spend a totally serene, peaceful, and nature lovin' day with yourself, partner, or friends. Sun is good for the soul and a little hike or toes walking in the sand will leave you relaxed and recharged.  This also leaves last chance with belly photo opportunities to add to your camera roll.

#19: Reconnect with Your Mom or Family Members

Now that you are becoming a mother, you can bet you are going to have a lot of questions for your own mother, as well as a few apologies to make. If you are lucky to have your mother near you then why not take this time before the little one gets here to reconnect or deepen your bond with her and make your relationship stronger as you begin your own journey of motherhood?  This is a great time to grow the bond, or rebond, with your mom or other family members.

#20: Mentally Prepare

Having a baby is a huge deal. It is both exciting and a little bit scary. Be sure you take some time during your last weeks of pregnancy to mentally prepare for what's ahead. This time to yourself is ideal for going over anything you may have forgotten. This will help you feel more relaxed as you head into this new chapter of your life. 

By checking these tasks off your list, you are sure to feel more prepared whenever baby does decide to make their debut. Of course, if you do forget some (very likely), there is no reason to worry, as this is only a general guideline. Edit the list to suit your needs; just make sure that the final weeks of your pregnancy are filled with joy, excitement, and happy memories.

Keep going mama! Almost there!

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