robertwilsonassociates & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 robertwilsonassociates & Mama 2018-04-10T17:02:00-07:00 2024-09-12T22:35:27-07:00 Getting Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy and What to Do robertwilsonassociates The result of pregnancy is a beautiful, precious baby. It's just the most amazing time of your life. Hmmmm, right.  It's not always charming sista!  The journey there can sometimes include a few unpleasant experiences. One of these unpleasant experiences is having to deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy. 

Imagine your butt hole just taking on a whole alien personality of it's own.  That's right. Maybe it starts to feel like it's turning inside out. Not to mention a little itching. Maybe your starfish has started to bleed a bit when you go number two. So. Not. Cute. 

Just keeping it real! Sometimes...we NEED to hear the truth and reality of not pretty stuff in pregnancy.

Take this as a public service announcement because you, yes you mommy to be, can possibly avoid this, or at least help it out if you've already started to become a "victim" of hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum that flair up under pressure. When women begin getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy, they may be confused as to why they are occurring, what they could've done to avoid them, and how they can treat them. Thankfully, there are answers to all of these questions.

Why Do Pregnant Women Get Hemorrhoids?

Pregnant women are more prone to getting hemorrhoids for a few different reasons. The main reason is constipation, but there are several reasons why you may become constipated.

One of the reasons for constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy may be the increased levels of the hormone progesterone in your body. This hormone helps to soften your cartilage, joints, and ligaments to prepare for the birth of your baby.

However, another side effect of increased progesterone levels is the relaxing of your vein walls. This can make it harder for you to push out your stools, because everything is so "relaxed" down there, causing you to strain more and create hemorrhoids.

Another cause of constipation, and therefore hemorrhoids, is the increased pressure on the lower half of your body, and specifically your rectum, from your enlarged uterus and fetus. This pressure can increase your risk of getting hemorrhoids when trying to have a bowel movement because the veins swell. 

Iron supplements that are recommended by some doctors during pregnancy can also add to problems with constipation and hemorrhoids.

Iron is notorious, like crazy infamous for causing this so not cute side effect of being preggo! This is because your body may not be used to the higher doses of iron, causing the excess iron to go from your small intestine to your large intense, where it mixes with bad bacteria to cause bloating, gas, and constipation. It creates hard, dry, dark, and tarry stools. 

So, How Can I Avoid Hemorrhoids?

If you haven't already received the gift of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but are worried about getting them, thankfully there are things that you can do to avoid them altogether.

One thing that you can do to avoid hemorrhoids is to keep your stools as soft as possible. This can be done by eating a diet that is high in fiber.

Drinking a lot of fluids throughout each day can also help to keep your stool soft and loose. At least two liters of water a day. If need be, you may even want to talk with your doctor about using a stool softener to help soften your stool as well.

Metamucil, or some fiber supplement, is great for keeping the flow flowing. Ask your physician what they recommend for you.

Another way to avoid hemorrhoids is to gain the appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy and avoid excess weight gain.

The more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more pressure you are putting on your rectum. A great way to keep your weight gain on track, and also stop stool from becoming hardened, is to exercise regularly throughout the course of your pregnancy.

Walking greatly helps move everything downward and keeps you regular.  You should be walking and exercising into your third trimester anyways, unless instructed otherwise. 

Lastly, get a foot stool for the potty.  This is not new to lots of people, but seems like in the Finland it's becoming more known. 

A popular brand is Squatty Potty, but you can get any generic kind from Amazon, or even Target.  Having a foot stool when going to the bathroom helps move things along faster and easier because it positions you in a natural squat position and eliminates straining and decreases pressure on the veins. 

in summary...

  • drink lots of water
  • avoid constipation by increasing fiber
  • eat fiber full foods like dried apricots, prunes, vegetables, brussels sprouts, lentils, etc. 
  • walk and exercise as advised by your doctor
  • get a foot stool for the potty

How Do I Treat Hemorrhoids Once I Have Them?

If you already have hemorrhoids and would like to reduce the pain and irritation that they are causing you, then there are a few different things that you can try. One main thing that you need to do is start all the above asap. 

Water, walking, and fiber up!  

Now if the water and fiber isn't helping and you feel like you're at the point of no return, try a few things such as an ointment and keep the area clean and soothed.

One way to do this is after your go to the bathroom, take a shower, and let very warm water soothe your soreness. Wash with a mild no-fragrance soap and let that warm water calm things down for you.

After drying, apply witch hazel astringent.  It is mild, alcohol free, and soothes. 

Tucks brand makes witch hazel pads and they are amazing. 

Apply ointment after, such as Preparation H, or something similar. 

Use only cotton undies.

Ointment, witch hazel, and a butt washer are a mom's best friend to keep hemorrhoids at bay.  Put some witch hazel and warm water in the peri bottle.  This one by Fridababy is awesome. All ordered from Amazon so you don't even need to walk in a store.

If you are experiencing prolonged irritation more than seven days you can switch from the ointment to coconut oil, or go back and forth from the ointment to coconut oil.

If you are really having issues, try a Sitz bath where you can soak your bum. 

You may also want to talk to your doctor if it has really become worse or you have thrombosed (clotted) hemorrhoids. A little bright red blood is common with hemorrhoids, but you still should talk to your doctor if it is more, extended for a long time, and especially if you are older than 40. 

If none of these methods seem to help, then talk with your OBGYN about pregnancy safe options. 

To learn more about our tips and more about pregnancy, you can visit us here

Feel good and look good during pregnancy and well after. Shop bump to beyond clothing here.

Help out your stretch marks. Find some DIY recipes here.

7 Things Mom to Be should NOT feel Pressured into Doing.

]]> 2018-01-12T15:01:00-08:00 2018-01-25T23:02:11-08:00 Thirteen Top Superfoods for Pregnant Moms robertwilsonassociates

13 Superfoods to eat During Pregnancy 

Going through pregnancy can become more challenging if you're used to eating certain foods during your pre-pregnancy days. However, you know how important eating healthy is to your own health and to the health of your growing baby.

The good news is if you're looking for the best possible nutrition, superfoods have become the new go-to source. You're perhaps new to this category of health food.

What kind of superfoods should you consume? It's best to think of some of the newer superfoods out there that not many think about. Maybe some you've never heard of! Take a look at 13 of them and when you should consume them during each trimester.

1. Egg Yolks

You're seeing many superfood experts saying egg yolks are becoming important in baby development during your first trimester. One reason is the fat-soluble vitamins inside of the yolks. Vitamin D, in particular, helps stave off many potential diseases. Plus, choline in eggs yolks aids in developing your baby's brain. Stick to pasture raised, no soy, organic eggs. They cost more, but they are better for you and taste great.

2. Almonds

While a basic superfood, don't overlook having at least a few almonds every day. A quarter cup of these provides enough Vitamin E to further develop your baby's cognitive functions while in early pregnancy stages. The more you can nurture your baby's brain, the smarter our next generation becomes.  Brain boosting foods are just as important for the baby in the womb as it is outside the womb.  Raw almonds are great to keep in the car so you can eat a few at some point during the day. 

3. Liver

Eating liver might sound highly unappealing, but it's a great multivitamin source without having to take a supplement. It also contains important Vitamin A, and it's more effective from food than through a supplement. Besides, many pregnant women don't get enough Vitamin A. Limit consuming this type of meat to once a week or only every other week. 

You might want to use small amounts of liver in other meats if you're skeptical of the taste.  Try chicken liver chopped small, sauteed in olive oil with a bit of minced garlic, onions, and parsley. Goes yummy with rice on the side. 

4. Spirulina

As a good source of iron, spirulina is a great source as you progress to your other trimesters. You'll especially like this if you don't want to eat meat.  It is great in smoothies or in an acai bowl.  When you are at your local juice shop ask them to put just a bit in your smoothie. 

It's possible to buy spirulina in a health food store to add to various foods.  Buy only top high-grade spirulina and as studies don't confirm that this is okay for everyone during pregnancy, and do consult your doctor first before consuming spirulina.  Use only a small amount...everything in moderation.  

5. Quinoa

This is a great protein source, and it's also designed for vegetarians. You'll find lots of fiber here as well, giving you more than your needed requirement per day.  Wash it very well in cold water before preparing and try in a salad, or as a side to protein. 

6. Coconut Water

Here you have a very safe superfood beverage you can drink that helps with early pregnancy stages and provides electrolytes. When facing morning sickness, you could become dangerously dehydrated. Coconut water prevents this from happening, though make sure the product you choose is pure and without sugar.  It's perfect for breaking up the monotony of plain water all day. 

You'll discover this type of waterworks in numerous other positive ways from boosting energy to regulating your moods.

7. Seaweed

Maybe this sounds as unappealing as liver, yet it's a good source of iodine for baby brain development. Many pregnant women don't get enough of iodine to suffice.

It should be the highest quality of seaweed. 

You can place seaweed in different foods from soup, salad, to a broth.  A favorite is avocado rolls where you get the best of seaweed and healthy fat combined.  Seaweed snacks are delish as well. 

Only use very limited amounts, all in moderation.  Ask your doctor before incorporating seaweed to be sure what is good for you.

8. Pumpkin Seeds

As oddball as it sounds to eat pumpkin seeds, they have magnesium, manganese, copper, protein, and zinc. You can get your daily supply of these essential vitamins by eating pumpkin seeds in different forms, as in roasted or salted.  Choose the raw kind to get the most nutrition out of them.  It's a perfect salad or oatmeal topper. 

9. Avocados

Many women in early trimesters use avocados to ward off morning sickness. You can keep on eating them through other trimesters to get your healthy fats and gain lots of fiber.  This is the perfect snack! Avocado toast anyone?

Quick and Simple Avocado Toast

  • slice of your favorite bread, toasted
  • spread thin, olive oil on top
  • sliced or mash organic avocado 
  • place the fried egg on top
  • sprinkle sea salt, cracked pepper, and crushed chili flake
  • garnish with cherry tomato, radish, basil, or anything else you like!

10. Bone Broth for More Minerals

The more minerals you can take in, the healthier your baby's body is going to become. Bone broth is an excellent source of calcium and magnesium as just two. In addition, this is a better source if you don't like dairy products.  Seasoned bone broth soup is delicious on a cool evening with noodles or veggies to satisfy any palette. 

11. Dates

In your final trimester, consider eating dates since evidence shows they help soften the cervix for when you give birth. Besides that, they're high in fiber and give you plenty of energy when you need to keep going.  This is a healthier form of sugar if your cravings sweets.  Try a banana oatmeal date shake!

12. Pineapple

As another late-stage pregnancy superfood, pineapple is also said to soften the cervix. It pays to mix some dates with pineapple in some of your meals since you won't find any better superfoods for the final stressful month before going into labor.  Pineapple is also perfect in kale or spinach smoothies to hide the greens flavor and sweeten things up. 

13. Kale & Spinach

Don't forget about plain old kale and spinach, something you can consume every day through each trimester. There isn't any better superfood containing everything you need.

Those of you who don't love the taste of kale can blend it into a smoothie for a power drink, or chop some spinach on top of pizza or in a salad.  Try buying organic only and the kind that is already triple washed so it's very easy to incorporate into your diet.

Easy Blueberry Spinach Smoothie

  • Vitamix or Nutribullet necessary
  • a handful of raw spinach
  • cup of organic frozen blueberries
  • one cup favorite greek yogurt - strawberry, blueberry, vanilla flavors work well
  • half of a ripe banana
  • organic apple juice 
  • a few ice cubes
  • blend until smooth

Keep reading us at robertwilsonassociates to learn more about proper diet tips while pregnant. Check out our prenatal and postnatal apparel as well to keep you prepared now and for the future.

]]> 2017-01-23T11:30:00-08:00 2017-01-23T11:30:00-08:00 Moms To Be, Are You Eating Brain Building Foods for your Baby? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating. robertwilsonassociates Moms To Be, Are You Getting the Proper Nutrition You Need? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating



Brain Building Foods you Should be Eating for Baby while Pregnant

Moms to be, are you getting the proper nutrition you need? Nutrition while pregnant is extremely important, both for you and your baby. The brain of a fetus begins to form just three weeks after conception.

Knowing what food to eat and what sort of diet to adhere to can be difficult considering how many nutritional aspects there are. While it requires a little planning ahead, there are some foods that should definitely be incorporated into your diet for the health of both you and your baby and proper brain development.

Moms To Be, Are You Eating Brain Building Foods for your Baby? 8 Foods You Should Be Eating.

1) Dried beans and lentils

Usually, dried beans and lentils are not on the forefront of our mind's when thinking about food, but beans and lentils are jam packed with nutrients. During pregnancy, women need at least 10 extra grams of protein, and beans and lentils are perfect for this requirement since each cup has about 15 grams. They are also high in fiber content, which is great for combatting various digestive issues. 

Looking for ways to incorporate them in your diet? Beans and lentils go great with rice, or as a side for chicken dishes.  Making fresh vege or chicken chili (not from a can) in a crock pot is an easy way to incorporate beans in a healthy way.

2) Wild Caught Salmon

Fish is a brain builder!  This is super important to incorporate into your diet to give baby the best brain building nutrients.  

Wild caught salmon is a great meat to add to your food regimen while pregnant - you can safely eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish per week during pregnancy, and salmon is a wonderful source of nutrients for both you and your baby. Omega-3 fatty acids have known to be good for your baby's brain and eyes, and it is also a great source for protein and B vitamins.

Luckily, salmon is very easy to cook and there are some delicious recipes you can try to add more of this protein filled fish to your diet. Even a simple pan seared, skin on salmon filet with a side of broccoli raab and rice or cous cous makes for a balanced and delicious meal.  Remember to do at least 80% on the skin side till crisp and flip to finish to well done.

3) Bananas

This is the easiest snack ever.  Really.  Bananas are also a great fruit to incorporate into your daily routine, especially in breakfast. Bananas are full of potassium, and therefore are great to fight off pregnancy induced fatigue. Bananas are a good way to kick start the day, and can also be eaten to fight off nausea. Plus, they are pretty simple to add to the everyday breakfast things for an extra kick - add banana slices to gluten free granola, oatmeal, or in yogurt. Or better yet, smoothies with bananas are a good way to get nutrients without sacrificing taste. Here are some smoothie recipes to try out for breakfast this week.

Make this crazy gooood Vegan Ice Cream:

  • Chopped frozen bananas
  • A Cusinart food processor
  • Blend till creamy smooth and add in fresh strawberries or other flavorings to create the "ice cream" flavor however you like.  You'll be surprised how simple and delicious this is and the flavor is not overwhelmingly banana.  Eat immediately or freeze for a later treat. 100% Guilt free ladies!


4) Low-fat Greek Yogurt

Looking for ways to combine items on this list when adding to your diet? Consider eating low-fat greek yogurt during this time (perhaps with some bananas added) Greek yogurt tastes rich and satisfying!  It's also is packed with calcium, and has a higher calcium content than milk. High in protein, greek yogurt lacks added sugar making it a healthy breakfast item. In addition, iodine is important for brain development and greek yogurt adds 50 to 100mng per serving.  

Add bananas and/or berries and different fruits to jazz it up as a fun breakfast item. You could also add whole grain granola or cereal for a fortifying meal.

Our favorite is:

  • granola like Nature's Harvest 
  • greek yogurt, fat free or 2%
  • a swirl of pasturized honey
  • topped with blueberries and walnuts or brazil nuts (more brain boosting health foods)

5) Chives

Believe it or not, these tiny little green onions that we commonly use as a garnish are actually a great food. An average serving size is 2 tablespoons chopped, and contain folate, iron, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, magnesium and a host of other nutrients. Magnesium can help alleviate symptoms of constipation, while folate, vitamin C and iron are all integral nutrients for pregnant women.

The best way to incorporate chives into your diet is to sprinkle them on top of soups and salads, on top of baked potatoes, mixed with spreads or added to dips and hummus.

Try this spin on an insanely good Tzatziki dip that incorporates chives:

  • 1 container (32oz) 2% fat Greek Yogurt
  • Organic cucumber. Remove skin, take out seeds with spoon. Mince.
  • touch of finely minced garlic (one clove)
  • sprinkle of red wine vinegar (2 tsp)
  • dash of Himalayan pink sea salt
  • sprinkle of lemon juice (2 tsp)
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped finely dill
  • Mix, Chill, and serve with fresh chopped chives sprinkled on top.  Swirl cold pressed olive oil on top as well to finish it off.

This is so easy to make and it's always a hit at the dinner table.  Adjust the ingredients to suit your taste.

 6) Pumpkin seeds

Looking for a tasty snack without having to sacrifice nutrition? Pumpkin seeds may be the food you are searching for. A half cup of pumpkin seeds can provide much-needed protein for your body as well as containing a host of other minerals needed for muscle health and hydration. 1 cup can provide close to half of your daily needs for nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. 

While both raw and roasted pumpkin seeds are great, roasted have more protein and minerals then raw ones. Hit up your local natural food store and you'll have no problem finding some.  Remember the greek yogurt we talked about...try pumpkin seeds with your granola, greek yogurt, and top with pumpkin seeds.

7) Sweet potatoes

Beta-carotene is essential for healthy brain formation of your baby.  Sweet potatoes are also another food that is chock full of nutrients and easy to add in daily food intake. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a plant compound that our bodies turn into vitamin A. The latter is essential for growth, and for healthy fetal development. Sweet potatoes, when cooked can fulfill the daily vitamin A requirement, and are also another source of fiber.

There are plenty of ways to cook sweet potatoes, but slicing them in half and baking them covered in foil is a pretty hassle free way to prepare them. It is easy to be creative if you have more time (mashed sweet potato or try diced sweet potatoes with rosemary and olive oil) and use sweet potatoes as a way to break up the monotony of weekday food.

8) Avocados

Easily one of the more popular fruits this last year, avocados are a fantastic source of much needed vitamins while also being delicious. They contain high amounts of fiber, B-vitamins (including folate), vitamin K, E and C as well as potassium and copper. They also have high amounts of mono-saturated fatty acids, which is a healthy fat the body needs. These healthy fats are great for fetus growth and development and the folate content is also extremely important for pregnant women's daily intake.

Looking for fun ways to use avocados?  Go for avocado toast.  Take your favorite toast and spread avocado all over it.  Top with other favorites like arugula, shaved fennel, olive oil, radish, and even an egg cooked however you like it makes this such a satisfying treat for anytime of the day.


These are just some of the foods you should think about incorporating into your diet for both yours and your baby's health. It can definitely be difficult to add in so many different items into your daily intake, but with some planning and foresight, it can definitely be done.

Check out our blog to find more recipes like this Lactation Blueberry Muffin Recipe and other great info for mom and mom to be.
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