robertwilsonassociates & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 robertwilsonassociates & Mama 2016-12-16T21:16:00-08:00 2016-12-16T21:17:01-08:00 Pack your Newborn's Diaper Bag like a Pro robertwilsonassociates Must pack diaper bag items for Moms with Newborn



 Pack Your Diaper Bag like a Pro. Must Have Diaper Bag Checklist for going out with your Newborn.

When moms are on-the-go, they often over-pack diaper bags with unnecessary items. Here we have complied a list of must-pack diaper bag items for moms with a newborn. This list will ensure you are covered no matter what life throws out at you, without being weighed down by a heavy diaper bag.

New Mom Tips on How to Pack Your Diaper Bag Like a Pro 



The List

  • Diapers: The first, and one of the most important items to pack is diapers. Whether you are going out for a quick grocery trip or visiting with family, your newborn will need a change. Generally, you will want to keep one diaper for every two hours you will be gone plus one extra diaper. This means you should always have three to four diapers on hand just in case. 
  • Breast Milk or Formula: Wear easy to breastfeed in clothing so you can nurse on demand, or bring your pumped milk or formula so baby can eat!
  • Wipes: Wipes are great for more than just diaper changes. Always have at least a travel-size pack of wipes in your bag to use for changes, wiping down an eating area, cleaning sticky fingers or faces, or to wipe up small messes.  Your friends will use them, you'll use them, everyone needs a wipe now and then.
  • Breast Pads: For breastfeeding moms, it is always a good idea to carry just one extra set of breast pads in the diaper bag.
  • Nursing Poncho: If you are out of the house long enough, you will need to bring a nursing poncho to use while you breastfeed. It is a very versatile item to have because it can be used to keep your newborn warm or provide a place for them to lay down. You can also use a nursing poncho for changing or protecting your baby from the sun. When you're done roll it up or use as a scarf!
  • Changing Pad: Most diaper bags come with a nifty changing pad. A small towel from home can work or use disposable changing pads.
  • Hat: Protect baby from the sun if you will be outdoors all day.
  • Pacifier: if your child uses one
  • Burp Cloth: In addition to the wipes, it is also a good idea to carry a burp cloth in your diaper bag for feeding, but also to have a backup to clean up any small messes. 
  • Change of Clothes: Newborns are very unpredictable. You will want to make sure to pack a change of clothes for your baby in case he/she spits up or blows out his/her diaper. Another great item to bring is a spare shirt or nursing tank top for yourself, in case you get messy. Many moms may forget this, but it's always a good idea to have spare clothes for your baby, as well as yourself. 
  • Plastic Bag: You should always carry a few plastic bags in order to have a place to put dirty diapers on the run, or messy clothes. This will keep your diaper bag clean as well as your car. A reusable bag that is waterproof and easy to clean is a great sustainable option.
  • Travel Sized First-Aid Kit: You never know when you or your baby may get cut, scratched, or otherwise require a band-aid. Carry a travel size first-aid kit in your diaper bag which contains band-aids, anti-bacterial wipes or cream, tweezers, ibuprofen, and an antihistamine for allergic reactions. 
  • Cell Phone: Chances are you don't go anywhere without your cell phone, so while you should always make sure to have it with you, you will also want to program in your pediatrician's number so you have quick access to it in case of an emergency. Make sure your portable charger is with you or your phone is charged before heading out.  Keep in mind that all the baby spam pictures and videos take a lot of battery life so the portable chargers are always a lifesaver.  Snap away mamas!


  • Favorite Toy: Since newborns don't really play with toys yet, you will want to limit this to just one small toy or stuffed animal to keep your baby entertained if you are waiting in line for a doctor's appointment or stuck in traffic. 
  • Diaper Rash Cream: It is also a good idea to have a small tube of your preferred diaper rash cream in your bag should your baby become irritated while you are out. Yes, a tube of coconut oil is great too for quick fixes while on the go.

  • Diaper Bag Tips

  • Lots of compartments
  • Maybe consider two diapers bags. One for short trips and one for longer adventures. Some moms keep a basic one packed with changing stuff and necessities in the car at all times.
  • Fashionable with solid colors so you can use it all the time
  • Get one with a water proof lining

  • While it is important to be well-prepared for an outing with your newborn, you also don't want to over-pack. This list covers the more essential items you need, and will keep your diaper bag from weighing you down! 

    Shop today for breastfeeding clothing options for moms with newborns! 
