robertwilsonassociates & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 robertwilsonassociates & Mama 2022-10-01T22:36:45-07:00 2022-10-01T22:36:45-07:00 I'm Breastfeeding. When Should I Use a Breast Pump? robertwilsonassociates Baby taking a bottle with formula

The best time to breastfeed is whenever your baby wants to, especially at first. But most breastfeeding moms use a breast pump at some time. Let's look at a few different situations that call for a breast pump, and how you can best use it to help you and your baby. 

To Store Milk

There are lots of reasons it's handy to have a supply of breast milk in your freezer, like returning to work, or going out for the evening. Whether you want milk on hand so your partner can take over a feeding or donate some to a milk bank, here are a few ways to schedule pumping so you have a good store. 

  • In the morning. The hormones that encourage milk production are most abundant in the morning so it may be worth it to wake up before your baby to capture some of that bounty. Between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM are the most productive, so you'll have to balance your need for sleep against the need for extra milk. Try to make sure you have at least one to two hours between pumping and breastfeeding, so your breasts have a chance to replenish the milk. 
  • Between feedings. Try to give yourself about two hours after a feeding and an hour before the next feeding. 
  • Set a schedule. If you'll be returning to work and have a set schedule you'll be following, it's a good idea to start pumping on that schedule a few weeks before going back. This will get your breasts accustomed to producing milk at those times, and give you time to get used to your pump. Like breastfeeding, pumping milk takes some time to get used to, so allow yourself time to adjust to it without pressure. There are other steps you can take to make pumping at work easier on yourself, too.

To Increase Milk Supply

Undersupply can be exhausting and frustrating for both mom and baby. Try some techniques for increasing your milk production. Here are some ways you can use your breast pump.

  • Pump after every daytime feed. You may not get much milk, or maybe not any at all. But pumping alerts your breasts that they need to make more milk. Think of it like placing an order for more milk tomorrow. 
  • Cluster pump. When babies are going through a growth spurt, they will do something called "cluster feeding" where they nurse frequently outside their regular schedule. You can use your breast pump to simulate this kind of demand. Pump for ten minutes, then take a break for ten minutes. Continue for an hour. Repeat this as often as you can during the day. It's a time commitment, but within a week you should see a noticeable increase in your milk supply.
  • Be aware of growth spurts. When your baby is going through a growth spurt it may feel like all you're doing is breastfeeding. Moms sometimes worry that this means that they're not making enough milk anymore. This is a perfectly normal example of "cluster feeding" referred to above. Get comfy and expect to spend a lot of time nursing. Don't worry about increasing your supply right now; your baby is doing just that with a frequent nursing schedule. You can expect to see growth spurts between two and six weeks old, around three months, and again at six months. 

Premature Baby

A preemie may not be strong enough yet to nurse, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on breastfeeding! Pumping is a great way to establish a milk supply for when your baby is big enough to nurse, and the milk you produce in the meantime is a wonderful gift.

  • Pump soon after birth. Try to start within six hours of giving birth. This takes advantage of all the hormonal activity in your body to start milk production. You won't produce milk yet, but a small amount of the yellowish colostrum that comes before milk. That's fine; colostrum is very good for your baby, and producing it is the first step of establishing a milk supply.
  • Pump frequently. You want to mimic the frequent feeding schedule of a newborn, so pump both breasts eight to ten times a day. Remember the high levels of hormones in the morning that help your breasts produce milk? You'll want to take advantage of those hormones by scheduling two of those pumping sessions between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM.   
  • Set a goal, but don't rush. A good goal is to eventually produce 25 to 35 ounces a day. Don't pressure yourself, though. As long as your supply is increasing, however little, you're on the right track. Once your milk supply is established, try not to go more than five hours between feedings so you can maintain it. 

Breastfeeding is a special journey you take with your baby. Don't be afraid to use a good breast pump to help you on your way.

]]> 2018-02-01T11:30:00-08:00 2018-02-01T11:30:00-08:00 Breastfeeding vs. Pumping: Which One When? robertwilsonassociates  

When do I Breastfeed and when do I Pump?

You know you want to breastfeed, but what about pumping? Do you really need a pump? When should you use a pump? What are some reasons you might need to pump?

If you're new to the world of breastfeeding, these are just a few of the many questions you might have when it comes to breastfeeding versus pumping. Understanding when the breast is best and when pumping is right will help you to be better prepared for life's complications.

When to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding can be one of the greatest bonding experiences you can have with your child. The skin-to-skin contact, those little eyes seeking out your gaze, and the opportunity for you to sit down and pause your busy day to cuddle your little one all combine to make it extremely beneficial for both you and your baby. Plus, there's no preparation needed- the milk is already ready to go, at the perfect temperature, so why not use it?

In short, you should. You should breastfeed whenever it's comfortable and convenient for you and your baby. Don't overthink a schedule and feed baby whenever they show signs of hunger, but expect newborns to need a feeding 10 to 12 times a day.  When things are calm, when you're healthy, and when you're with your child, it's the best way to ensure you're both getting what you need. 

But what about when circumstances are less than ideal? What if you are a mom going back to work? Here are a few times you might want to consider pumping.

When to Pump. When not to Pump.

  • Pump in the morning.  Studies show that prolactin is at higher levels at night and into the early morning so pump away.
  • When you're apart. This is probably the most common reason moms pump- they have to get back to work but they still want all the wonderful nutritional benefits for their baby that breast milk provides, and they want to continue that bonding with their baby when they get home in the evenings, so they want to keep their milk supply up. Pumping throughout the work day ensures that baby has all the food he or she needs, and it especially ensures that mom's milk supply keeps flowing and stays abundant.
  • Speaking of milk supply... Many moms find that baby's appetite is moving faster than their milk supply can keep up, so they add additional pumping sessions between feedings to stimulate greater milk production. These pumping sessions may not result in large quantities of breast milk, but they can help tell your body that it's time to amp up the supply.  Try to pump within the first hour after breastfeeding. 
  • On the other hand... Sometimes moms have the opposite problem: they find that their body is producing more milk than the baby can consume, which can lead to uncomfortable engorgement and even clogged milk ducts. In this case, pumping just until the pressure is relieved can ease discomfort without stimulating your body to produce more milk (which would only exacerbate the problem). So don't do that.  Pump till the 'tank is empty'.  
  • And speaking of clogged milk ducts... Clogged milk ducts are hard, tender lumps that occur when your breast doesn't completely empty of milk after a feeding or after you pump. Obviously, this can happen because your baby isn't finishing his or her meal, or can even be caused by illness or stress blocking the release of oxytocin.  More frequent feeding or pumping can reduce the chances of clogged milk ducts, but not always. If you notice one, and you're able to nurse, see if baby can help release it; otherwise, you may need to pump to relieve the pressure. As you nurse or pump, apply a warm compress (like a washcloth dampened with warm water) and massage the area until the clog releases. Don't be concerned if it takes a few sessions- a warm shower can also help.
  • When you're on medication that's not good for baby. Just like when you were pregnant, as a nursing mother, you really are eating for two- most of what you consume enters into your breast milk in some form, so you have to be cautious about what you put in your mouth. There may be times when you must temporarily take medication that can transfer into your breast milk and be dangerous for your baby, so you'll have to stop nursing for a time until you are healed enough to stop taking the medication. Not only can you pump ahead of time and store your breast milk to help feed your baby while you're on the medication, but if you want to continue breastfeeding once you've finished the medication, pumping can ensure that your milk production stays up. Unfortunately, this "tainted" milk will have to be tossed in what's popularly called a "pump and dump." This is when you pump your breast milk and "dump" it down the drain. It's hard to watch that hard-earned milk get dumped, but it'll be worth it when you and your baby are able to pick up nursing again.
  • When nursing is inconvenient. Anyone who's ever traveled cross-country with a baby knows what a hassle it can be to have to stop to change diapers- add in stopping to take the baby out of the car seat to breastfeed and you'll start to feel like you'll never reach your destination! Pumping and having a few bottles prepared ahead of time will keep you rolling and keep baby happy. Many babies also find it difficult to focus on nursing in noisy, busy places, so if you think you'll be in a situation that could prove challenging to nursing, having some bottles for your baby might be handy.

Read more tips here on breastfeeding on a plane.


  • When you want to give Dad an opportunity to feed. Believe it or not, many dads envy that special time that mom gets with baby every feeding (although they might change their minds if they had to experience a clogged milk duct or engorgement!) This is an opportunity for dad to help the breastfeeding mom.  If you want to let Dad in on the action, pumping can be a great way to let him serve dinner to your little one and allow him to experience a taste of the closeness with baby that you enjoy as a nursing mother.

Take a look at our nursing and pumping friendly clothes for play or work to help make switching between breastfeeding and pumping easier. 
