robertwilsonassociates & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 robertwilsonassociates & Mama 2018-04-13T09:35:00-07:00 2018-04-13T09:35:52-07:00 When Will I be Able to Feel my Baby Kick? robertwilsonassociates  

When will I Feel my Baby Kick?

You're still glowing from the news that you're pregnant, marveling at the exciting and life-changing miracle that's occurring in your body. Naturally, you've got lots of questions, and one of them is likely to be "When will I feel that first kick from my baby?"


Signs of Life

So have you, or did you, find yourself trying to notice any movement in the beginning of your pregnancy?  Most mamas do, and that first little flutter is like a crazy feeling and gives a sense of relief, peace, and excitement. 

That first faint "kick" from baby may feel a little like a ripple or a butterfly in your burgeoning belly, and you could feel it as early as 13 weeks after the start of your last menstrual period. If this is your first baby, however, it probably won't be until around 18-20 weeks from the start of your last period. So stay patient mama!  The movements will come and baby will move when he/she feels like moving.  Don't compare yourself to others, but five months is a good average to when you should notice moving.

The medical term for baby's first movement in the womb is called "quickening". It's an exciting moment, and as the movement grows stronger, you'll probably want to grab your husband's hand and place it on your abdomen so that he can share in the experience, too!

As your pregnancy progresses, your baby's kicks will be more obvious, and your tummy will "move" with the baby. There will be some good karate style chops in there! You may even be able to discern the shape of your baby's little heel or adorable baby booty as he kicks and moves around! Why is baby moving? Well, he's stretching and flexing, rolling and maybe even moving in response to sound, food you're eating, or in "protest" of a position you're in that he finds uncomfortable.  Don't worry, baby is super cushioned in there in his amniotic sac, so something like bending over won't cause any harm to him. 

Bear in mind that the dates listed above are approximate. Everyone is different, and has different body types, but you'll most likely feel unmistakable movement by the time you're five months pregnant. You're most likely to notice the baby move when you're quiet yourself -- resting in bed or watching TV, for example. If you're moving around all day you may miss noticing movements.  You might also notice more movement after you've had a snack since the increased blood sugar in your system can give her a little "rush" of energy! 


hands touching belly to feel baby move

Everyone will love to touch your belly, hoping to feel your baby moving!


Movement in the Third Trimester

By the beginning of the third trimester of your pregnancy, you'll probably be seeing a pattern of movement from your baby. You'll get to know when he's awake and active and when he's napping. He'll probably be pretty active in general -- that is until he's so big that he starts to have less room in which to move around.

It's a good idea to chart your baby's movements, aka kick count, during the third trimester so that you can note how many times a day he tends to move, and when his movement begins to slow down a bit. This is especially important since you want to make sure he's still moving, even if it's a little less frequently, right through until his birthday arrives.  You will want to notice ten movements within an hour, and you can do this anytime and anywhere.  If you're home, try drinking a cold glass of water and laying on your left side, and just notice about ten movements in the next hour. 

Trust your gut and call the doc if you don't notice any movements and you feel something is off.  From experience, my baby was very quiet during the morning but woke up once I started going about my day.  They have their "sleep" schedules too, but even so, baby still will move around while sleeping. 


Pregnant mom sitting and feeling her baby move inside her belly

Mom to be sitting and feeling baby roll around in her belly. She's wearing the Fuchsia Orchid Ribbed Snap Maternity Nursing Tank Top.


Baby's First "Picture"

Your first ultrasound (aka "sonogram") session will allow you to (sort of) see a really fuzzy "picture" of your baby inside your womb, as well as observe and hear his little heart beating. This initial ultrasound is typically performed around 6-8 weeks into your pregnancy.

Somewhere around 13 weeks in, your second ultrasound will give you a clearer view of your baby, who's been growing and developing since that first ultrasound. And while the initial test is via a "wand" inserted into your vagina, this second test will involve a flat wand that's moved over your belly, with the help of a little lubricant.

If you're lucky enough to have access to a facility with a high-definition sonogram machine, you may even be able to get pictures with 3-D photographic-quality details!

Your second-trimester anatomy ultrasound (performed at around 20 weeks) will show you your baby in much greater detail, and you should feel free to ask the technician to point out organs and details if you're not sure exactly what you're looking at. This is the time when fingers and toes can be counted by an experienced technician who can also tell -- with 95% accuracy -- what sex your little one is, so it's typically an awe-inspiring experience!


Making Plans

By now, you've probably begun to collect all of the things you'll need to take care of your new baby ... a crib, a car seat, a changing table, basics like diapers and "onesies", etc. You'll also know by now whether or not you'd like to breastfeed, and if you're going to nurse, you've probably been doing some reading up on the subject and maybe attending some Lamaze classes to prepare. If you haven't also taken your nursing wardrobe into consideration, be sure to stock up on game changing nursing fashions. These mom musts include tank tops, tee shirts, hoodies, and sweaters! All are designed to make nursing your baby a breeze and eliminate having to bunch up your top and keep it off of your baby's nose as he nurses, making both of you comfy and cozy as you bond through the breastfeeding experience! Now you'll actually be able to see your baby move while she's in your arms! Just another of the joys of being a brand-new Mommy!


Mother breastfeeding baby boy in cradle position

Mom breastfeeds her new baby boy in the cradle position while wearing the Cozy Nursing Hoodie




]]> 2018-04-09T13:58:00-07:00 2018-04-09T14:14:43-07:00 7 Things Mom to Be should Not feel Pressured into Having to Do robertwilsonassociates


Becoming a mom is actually a really busy time in one's life.  As the big day approaches you will have more doctor's visits, more things to organize, a baby shower to think about, remodeling your house, worrying about family and friends coming into town, and figuring out your work situation.  Not to mention you will make plans regarding your pediatrician and insurance.  The cherry on top is the slew of effects that will come with your growing bump, which can include continued sickness, getting slower, becoming heavier, tiredness, and overall uncomfortableness.  

With all this said, do not feel pressured in having to fit in some of the "must do" tasks you might feel obligated to have to do because of what you see in social media, read in checklists, or maybe someone told you what they did and now you think you need to do it also.


1. Maternity Photoshoot

Set up a tripod at the beach or a park and take a few "natural" looking pics while walking towards the camera. Maybe grab a selfie stick and take a laying down pic with your partner with a colorful blanket underneath you.  Recruit a friend to snap a few photos, or grab your DSLR and stop someone to take a few quick pictures in an outdoor setting.  Maybe set the timer on your camera in the perfect spot.  

These are all ideas on how you can get some pregnancy photos without having to spend the time and drop the big bucks for a maternity photoshoot.  Don't feel pressured into it!  Do you really envision yourself posing with a chiffon dress flying behind you and would you frame it? If not, taking some fun and in the moment pics can definitely do the trick.  Go black and white, use Layout app to create a collage if you wish, try the Baby Story app, print them out on Snapfish or another photo service, and voila, sentimental DIY photos. 



2. Creating a Dream Nursery

A baby doesn't know if it's in a nursery filled with lace drapes, fuzzy bunnies, and a lit up marquee sign bearing her name.  All the baby needs is lots of love, to eat, to poop, and a safe place to sleep. 

Don't feel like you need to go all crazy Pinterest style, or hire an interior designer, to get your nursery space decked out for all of Instagram to go gaga about.  The essential needs are what is most important and there's plenty of room for creativity with some rearrangements of your bedroom space and incorporating colors in new room accents or photos.  The thing that should be on your to do list here is making whatever space you have, as organized as possible with storage, and placing away baby things in a way that will make your life as easy as possible.  Concentrate more on a nursing space, or feeding "haven", because that's what you'll be utilizing most when baby is born.

Tip: A changing table is more of a nice thing to have, rather than a complete necessity.  At times you're gonna change the baby where ever (like the floor, the couch, the bed) and not on the changing table.  Get a good changing pad first and foremost and think of the changing table second if you're concerned with money and space. 


3. Moving your Home Completely

There's no need to get up and move. New leases or new mortgages, this is just a ton of work, lots of money, and possible stress you don't need while preggo.  Especially, a little one is just that...little. She's not gonna give you minus points because you are taking her home to your one bedroom apartment.  Plus, a smaller space encourages going outside and enjoying more time on stroller walks and getting fresh air which is beneficial for both baby and parents. 

Now, if it seems necessary for some city dwellers to move because of the space issue, tackle this as early on during your maternity phase because it will get physically harder the later you wait. 

If you can wait, make your way over to the Container Store and get to space making.  Do this by donating clothes you haven't used for over a year, getting rid of stuff in the garage, storing things you don't need, redoing your closet to accommodate the baby's clothes, and get savvy with all the transitioning products that are meant to multifunction and save space, like the Babyletto Gelato 2 in 1 Crib.

Having a transitional crib is a space saver.  Dress up the space with an adorable rug that matches your style, and find a comfy reclining chair for nursing bliss.


4. Having to do Prenatal Yoga

You've heard of it.  You may have some friends telling you how they did it.  You can read about it all over the internet.  Some people do it with goats.

Don't feel like you have to do it too!  While prenatal yoga has tons of benefits, many exercises during pregnancy are equally beneficial.  Simply walking helps reduce chances of preeclampsia, excess weight gain, and boosts energy.  There are other choices of workouts while pregnant, and paying for yoga classes doesn't always have to be one of them.  


5. Childbirth Classes

Okay, knowledge is power and the more you know...well the better.  Is it gonna be the end of the world though if you don't do a childbirth class?  Nope.  Many moms say that once they hit active labor everything they learned and heard in the past went out the door.  Listen, women have been giving birth since forever - infinity -and beyond.  It's a great option and we're not saying not to do it, but if you skip it don't stress out,  you're gonna still be able to do what you need to do.  

Tip: Most childbirth classes cost money, so if you are in a money bind to choose a class to take, choose an Infant CPR class instead.  This is something you will want to know how to do.


6. Eating your Placenta

Placenta encapsulation is a beautiful thing, if done correctly.  Mammals have been consuming their placenta since the beginning of time, aka placentophagy.  Some people go raw with smoothies and other creative recipes.  If you don't have it done right, the process could introduce bacteria and other nasty outcomes from not selecting the utmost caution or most professional service to do this for you.  Eating your placenta may have many benefits like a faster postpartum recovery and better mood as some moms claim, while the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology says these are not scientifically proven or documented.  There are no proven health benefits, so, unless you are determined to drop the cash, take the chance, and have it done perfectly, don't feel like this needs to be on your priority list.  Make a very well balanced diet with lots of milk boosting foods at the top of your to do's when the baby arrives. 


7. Buy a Traditional Diaper Bag

Yes, you need a diaper bag.  No, you don't need a traditional one labeled as "diaper bag".  First off, they are pretty pricey and with the way they look, really scream "Hello everyone, I'm a diaper bag".  With the stylish nursing clothes available, chic strollers, and trendy baby wraps out there that really make mom style go to a whole other level, you may want to up your diaper bag game to match.

Get savvy and find an big tote, backpack, or shoulder bag that has more of your style in mind.  Buy an organizer insert and there ya go, a "diaper bag".  Find something that has a waterproof or easy to clean liner and make sure your insert is full of pockets and fits well in the bag.  This way you look good, feel good, and you still can accomplish carrying around your baby's necessities.  If you are up for a little splurging, there are higher end designer "diaper bags" that have everyday and long lasting use due to their chic colors, plain exterior, and multi functioning design. 

Tip: Reduce your chance of a "packed to the brim" diaper bag by staying organized, packing that diaper bag like a pro, and filling it with only what you need to get through the day.  Like having a wipes holder that holds 20 wipes instead of bringing the entire 100 pack with you.  Pack a dry/wet bag, change of clothes, extra diapers, more wipes, and also all the "extras" for emergency in a separate bag that stays inside the car.  This way your diaper bag isn't one hundred pounds while you are out and about. 


Keep going mama! You're doing great! If you can squeeze these things into your pregnancy experience then totally go for it, but if not, don't think twice about it!  Prioritize and do what you can, little by little, day by day.  You are growing a human so you get a hall pass for taking it easy and in the end, every mom to be journey is different and will require different needs.  Pick and choose what matters the very most for you to accomplish.  Enjoy the path you're on and embrace the moment. 

Be prepared for the big day with our Third Trimester Checklist.

Be aware of what comes with Breastfeeding and get some 101 knowledge.

Shop for Breastfeeding clothing Hoodies, Tee Shirts, and Tanks. 

You're almost there. How to Tell you're in Labor!


]]> 2018-03-16T09:07:00-07:00 2018-03-16T09:21:52-07:00 Please Don't! 8 Things Pregnant Moms Don't Want to Hear robertwilsonassociates A pregnancy is such an exciting time, full of hopes and questions. It's also an exciting time for the people around you, and sometimes that enthusiasm can come out in the wrong way. Well-meaning friends and loved ones (and even strangers in the grocery store) sometimes say things that are irritating, scary, or just plain wrong. I've even had a family member say, "Wow you are looking really huge!", and a friend say "You look exhausted!".  Even if they have the best of intentions, some comments simply aren't helpful. At all.

Here are some of the things pregnant moms really don't want to hear.

1. Sit down! You have to rest! The idea that pregnancy means a woman needs to put her feet up and rest her way through gestation is antiquated. Hello...we're preggo, not injured.  It's good to move! Unless there's a health problem, doctors advise staying active throughout pregnancy. It's positive for the health of the baby and the mom. It also helps reduce stress, improves sleep, and strengthens women for the work of labor. Even in the third trimester, exercise is encouraged.

pregnant woman having a conversation with her friend pregnancy tips

2. You're so big! You're so tiny! For some reason, basic tenants of common courtesy get forgotten when speaking to a pregnant woman. Don't comment on someone else's body. Period. It can make people feel anxious and embarrassed. It makes mom to be ask questions. Am I too big, what could be wrong?  Am I too small, what could be wrong? Pregnancy affects women very differently so there is no rule to size.  Besides, it's really none of your business.

3. Are you going to go into labor right NOW? Labor almost never starts dramatically like they show on TV. It's unlikely you are going to gush out a waterfall and then the baby will start crowning in minutes.  Like really? It's a methodical process, so don't treat women like being in the third trimester makes them ticking time bombs.

4. Let me tell you this birth horror story. Lots of women love to tell their birth stories. This can be an excellent way for women to share their experience and give encouragement and information. For some people, though, it's an opportunity to drag out the very worst scenario they've ever heard of. Be aware if you're soon to be mom is going to want to hear all about it. Since there's no way to predict how labor is going to progress, it's not really helpful to talk about the worst possibilities. Pregnant moms should focus on their own unique birth plan, and soak up the beautiful stories their friends have to share.

5. Second child? This one will give you trouble! For some reason, lots of people believe that a sweet-tempered first child is always followed by a challenging second child. Babies really haven't heard that theory, though. Each child is a unique individual, and the only way to know what their temperament is going to be is to meet them. 

6. Breastfeeding is so hard! A mom who struggled with breastfeeding might have unresolved feelings about it, and these may come out as negative statements. Sometimes breastfeeding is challenging, with a steep learning curve. People have been doing it for millennia, though, so it probably isn't impossible. Moms who are planning to breastfeed might want to seek out other breastfeeding moms and get their input. Good online sources have lots of information on breastfeeding, as well as practical tips on what to wear for breastfeeding, and how to nurse in public. Most people will say that once breastfeeding is established, it's actually a relaxed, pain free, and simple act with myriad benefits. 

Mom breastfeeds baby in cozy nursing hoodie Mom breastfeeds in the Cozy Nursing Hoodie.


7. Pumping at work is too difficult. Lots of women decide that it's worth it to pump breastmilk at work. There's more legal protection than ever for women who want to keep breastfeeding. With information and a plan in place, it's absolutely, no doubt about it, doable.  Don't get discouraged hearing it from others.  

8. Well, breastfeeding will ruin your breasts. Remember #2 above? What other occasion invites people to comment on others' breasts? Regardless, doctors are pretty sure that it's not breastfeeding that causes some women's breasts to sag, but pregnancy itself. The way a woman's body responds to weaning is actually fascinating. 

and just to might have heard, "Say goodbye to your Social Life!"  Hmmm, okay Debbie Downers...BYE!  Who's to say you won't be able to still do the things you love?  Sure, getting outside with your newborn will bring up challenges and being able to spontaneously hang out with your girls may come far and few between.  However, many parents find ways to travel, eat out at nice restaurants, and still get together with pals when time allows.  It's all about balance, and if you intend on keeping in touch with those people in your life, you probably will make it happen.  Truth is, those that understand parenthood is life changing will still stick around and be happy to take advantage of those moments when you call to say, "Hey, come over and let's have some wine!".  Wine not?

If you're a pregnant mom who is tired of hearing statements like these, take heart. People usually don't mean any harm; they just don't always realize how their words come across. Try not to let it bother you, and keep your eyes on the future. Your experience is unique and your very own.  Stereotypes, assumptions, and plans can go out the door when it comes to the phases of motherhood. It will be your very own journey.

Keep going mama!  You're doing great!

Shop functional Nursing Hoodies.

Shop wide strap Nursing Tank Tops.

]]> 2017-01-18T07:30:00-08:00 2017-01-18T07:30:00-08:00 Do you Self Care? 20 Things You Should Do Before Baby is Due robertwilsonassociates 20 Things You Must Do Before Baby is Due



Twenty Self Care Things you Need to Do Before Baby is Due

Going into motherhood with a to-do list is far from relaxing. Who can properly snuggle and bond with baby, knowing that there's a mountain of chores waiting to be done? For this reason, it is ideal that all new mamas attempt to knock out to-do lists before the little one arrives.

While the list of things to get done before your little mini-me's arrival will likely have plenty of actual chores on it, you definitely shouldn't forget to add in the fun stuff. Self care should be a chore too!  It's important for this balance of mind, soul, and body to stay happy and feeling active. After all, how long after baby arrives will you have to wait before you can go out with friends again? This is one of those things that should most certainly make it onto your list. 

Not sure what else to add? Not to worry! We've made a list of 20 things you must do before baby is due. Do your best to get through it before you go into labor, and you'll be starting off motherhood with a fresh slate. 

How to Self Care during Pregnancy and Twenty Things you Must Do before Baby Arrives

#1: Go on a "Babymoon"

If this is your first baby, it's important to recognize the fact that these weeks before baby arrives are the last you and your partner will have as just a couple. As soon as your little one makes their appearance, you will be a family unit, and from then on that little guy or girl will be around all the time. 

Take advantage of your last few weeks by going on a "babymoon"—that is, a little vacation with your partner in order to reconnect and recharge before baby comes.  

It can be an exotic getaway or as simple as a day trip to a new place to explore.  You will love this time spent apart from your normal everyday.

#2: Pack a Hospital Bag

Obviously, you'll want certain things on hand when you're spending a night or two in the hospital. Be sure to pack your hospital bag with plenty of time to spare! Read more on how to pack your hospital bag like a pro here.

#3: Buy Breastfeeding Supplies and Create your Station

Babies have to eat. Fortunately, you have all of the important things needed to feed your little one. That said, there are some things that do make the process a lot easier. These include easy to nurse in tee shirts and hoodies, nursing bras or bandeaus, pillows, burp towels, water bottle, nipple cream, breast pads, and if needed, a high quality breast pump.  

Create your nursing station in your home that includes some of these essentials and other comfy cozy necessities so you have a peaceful, quaint, designated place to start the journey of feeding your baby.

#4: Get a Manicure

Let's face it, "me time" goes out the window when you're caring for a newborn. Therefore, it's important to get in some pampering while you still can. Head to the beauty shop for a manicure, a pedicure, or a new hairstyle to treat yourself. Many modern nail salons offer organic nail polish and organic nail services. Bring your own non toxic mommy approved polish if your salon doesn't offer these options.

#5: Do Some Yoga

Speaking of "me time", another great way to relax and recharge is doing a bit of pre natal yoga in the mornings. As an added benefit, yoga can help baby move into the right position, plus keep you limber and in shape for the delivery of your son or daughter. Ask your doctor what's right for you when implementing exercise.

#6: Stock Up on Diapers

Will you go disposable or cloth? Diapers are another crucial item to have on hand when a baby is in the picture. Be sure to stock up, and buy more than you think you'll need. 

If you plan to practice elimination communication in hopes of being diaper free, read up and get the needed tools to begin practicing EC here.

#7: Eat at a Nice Restaurant

There are some restaurants that aren't exactly kid-friendly, or a little fancy that you would love to just share with your partner. Because of this, it'll likely be quite some time before you get to enjoy the food, service, and attention at a fine dining establishment after the birth of your child. Make sure to go now while you still can.

#8: Install a Car Seat

Baby is going to need to ride home, and you are going to want that ride to be as safe as possible. Install your child's car seat as soon as possible in order to ensure you are well-prepared. This is a must.

#9: Wash Baby Clothes

All of those tiny onesies and little-bitty socks have to be washed before you can put them on baby's sensitive skin. Make sure they get thrown in the washer before it's time for baby to arrive.

#10: Learn to Baby Wear

Wearing your baby is an incredible thing. It gives you the ability to snuggle your child while still getting things done with your hands.

Learn how to baby wear before yours actually arrives. This will definitely be helpful in the weeks to come. Find out about babywearing and breastfeeding here.

Take this opportunity before baby arrives to shop and find your favorite colored babywearing wraps. 

#11: Go Out with the Girls

It's no secret that keeping up with friends becomes a bit more difficult in the first few weeks of baby's life. Since you may not be able to go out quite as often after giving birth, use this time beforehand to go out with your girlfriends a few times. 

#12: Hire a Housecleaner and start using Grocery Delivery

Coming home to a clean house after having a baby is priceless. Unfortunately, sometimes you just aren't in the mood for a deep-cleaning session. Instead of forcing yourself to do the dirty work, hire a cleaner to come in and do it for you. This is one splurge you definitely won't regret. 

Sign up for grocery delivery like PrimeNow, Amazon Fresh, or Instacart so when baby comes and you are busy (as always), you won't have to leave the house. Groceries can even get cooked premade meals!

If you aren't ready for the housekeeper or grocery delivery be sure to stock up your pantry and tackle house chores one by one each day.

#13: Read a Book or Watch your Favorite Movie

While you will probably do a lot of sitting during the first month or two after your baby comes into the world, you will probably be too focused on learning to nurse to actually read a book or pay attention to a good movie. If there is a book you've been dying to read or a Netflix show you've been trying to catch up on, make sure to do it now.

#14: Have a Cooking Party

A freezer full of premade meals will be a wonderful postpartum gift to yourself. In order to make the cooking process more fun, consider having a cooking party with a few friends. 

#15: Go to a Concert or Play

Treat yourself to a live show. This is a good way to relax or let loose, hang out with a friend or your partner, and take your mind off the huge life change coming your way. Just make sure the venue you choose has comfy seats and an easily accessible restroom. 

#16: Catch Up on Sleep

We've all heard the advice, “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” Unfortunately, baby doesn't always do much sleeping, or at least not at convenient times. Now is your chance to sleep, so get as much as you can. Cherish it. Love it. Live it as much as you can.

#17: Purge Excess Stuff

An organized home is much easier to keep clean. Since you will have your plate full caring for an infant, it's a good idea to make your housecleaning chores as simple as possible.

This can be done with a good purging and reorganization of your home. Donate clothes and items you have not worn for months or years. Get rid of the old...and come into the new.  

#18: Go to the Beach or the Mountains

Going outdoors with your baby is not so difficult, but wanting to visit your favorite beach or mountain spot may not be as accessible once baby arrives.  Pack a small bag, get your walking shoes or sandals on, and spend a totally serene, peaceful, and nature lovin' day with yourself, partner, or friends. Sun is good for the soul and a little hike or toes walking in the sand will leave you relaxed and recharged.  This also leaves last chance with belly photo opportunities to add to your camera roll.

#19: Reconnect with Your Mom or Family Members

Now that you are becoming a mother, you can bet you are going to have a lot of questions for your own mother, as well as a few apologies to make. If you are lucky to have your mother near you then why not take this time before the little one gets here to reconnect or deepen your bond with her and make your relationship stronger as you begin your own journey of motherhood?  This is a great time to grow the bond, or rebond, with your mom or other family members.

#20: Mentally Prepare

Having a baby is a huge deal. It is both exciting and a little bit scary. Be sure you take some time during your last weeks of pregnancy to mentally prepare for what's ahead. This time to yourself is ideal for going over anything you may have forgotten. This will help you feel more relaxed as you head into this new chapter of your life. 

By checking these tasks off your list, you are sure to feel more prepared whenever baby does decide to make their debut. Of course, if you do forget some (very likely), there is no reason to worry, as this is only a general guideline. Edit the list to suit your needs; just make sure that the final weeks of your pregnancy are filled with joy, excitement, and happy memories.

Keep going mama! Almost there!

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Shop bump, breastfeeding, and beyond friendly nursing clothing here.
Get your game strong with our Third Trimester Checklist here.